New Student

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Sukuna in Yugi's body hears Gojo talk about the new student they just received. Y/N

She is very strong, can read minds, fast, can heal, fire power, and most importantly, she can stop time. This was a rare power someone could possess. Only one clan has been able to create and master it.

"How cool! Doesn't that make her invincible?" Yuji says.

"It would, but she only can do it for 5 seconds once every year." Gojo replied, innocently thinking he is talking amongst fellow friends and students.

"Is that really enough time to do anything?" Yuji asked.

"Oooh yes, she's already fast but when her time stop is activated she becomes 10x as fast" Gojo replied.

Sukuna took a notice in this and saved it in his mind hidden from Yugi.

Sukuna: "Interesting" he thought to himself.

Gojo mentions that she just used it 3 days ago so there is still a long while until she can use it again.

"Ok everyone here she comes. Yuji don't be annoying." Gojo said sternly.

You walk up to the doors and breathe a heavy sigh. No one knew the week you've had. Plus, you just used you time freeze which drains you immensely. You had grown not be very friendly and wondered just how well you can get along with new people.

"I wonder how everyone will be. Will I make friends? Ugh why do I care if I do or not." You say to yourself.

As soon as you open the door, Yuji immediately yells at you from a distance.

"Hello new girl! Hello!! Yoo-hoo! New girl"

Yuji says while laughing. Looking around everyone is looking at him with an annoyed look on their faces.

"Didn't Gojo just tell you not to be annoying? You're giving off a bad first impression." Nobra scoffs.

You walk up to the group and think to yourself. "Wow I'm annoyed already".

As soon as you walk up Inumaki takes notice. Something about you interested him. Something he has never felt before for another woman. Attraction. Yet he wasn't the only one who you attracted, Megumi had also taken notice.

As soon as you get to the group, you introduce yourself. Everyone took turns introducing themselves. The last one to go was Inumaki. He had not spoken up yet.

"And your name is?" You say to Inumaki.

Panda steps in. "His name in Inumaki, he is a cursed speech user so that means..."

You cut him off. "I know what that means."

You are very short with him. Everyone can tell you are not the sweetest person in the world.

Megumi took a bit of notice at that, seeing as he is quite and indifferent to the world as well.

Megumi thinks to himself. "Y/n is beautiful." This was unlike Megumi, it took a lot to get him interested in anything and you were able to do that with ease.

You focus your attention back on Inumaki.

"I can read minds, so I can speak with you that way."

Nobra comments. "Isn't that kind of in invasion of privacy?"

"I normally don't read minds unless I need too. I mostly use it for battle. Although it does come in handy with Inumaki senpai. Honestly though most Jujutsu warrior minds are unreadable since we are all so strong your minds are blocked from being read. At most, I can get a feel of what you are thinking."

"Can you read my mind right now?" Nobra says.

You look at her. "Faintly, you are blocking me but I can get a sense of what your thinking; and you're thinking Yuji is ugly."

Yuji breaks out with a loud sigh.

"Huhhh, now you're the annoying Nobra!"

Gojo interrupts. "Nobra will show you to your room, and I ask that you start training with everyone starting Monday. I know you still need to recover from your time freeze."

Yuji blurts out. "Oh yeah I forgot about that, how cool of a power is that, tell me more about it."

Nobra slaps Yuji on the back of the head.

"She's tired you idiot, we can talk to her more later. I'll show you to your room."

You say bye to everyone and start to follow behind Nobra. As you walk away you can hear in your head Inumaki say "bye Y/N, feel better."

You glance to the side not looking entirely back so he can tell you took notice.

Inumaki was testing your power to see if you really could hear him. He wanted to stand out to you.

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now