Fight or Flight. No, Fight or Fight

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Everyone got up at 7 am and met to eat breakfast to be on the road by nine. You sat there in a daze; you remembered that you were supposed to remember something, but you just could not.

Inumaki speaks to you in your head. "Y/N"

You look up in his direction and nod up and down.

"Will you sit next to me on the ride there?"

You are snapped out of your thoughts. You shake your head up and down and go back to trying to remember. "Ok now where was I? Hmm, right I was falling asleep when I.... damn I still can't remember."

Everyone finished eating and headed towards the car.

"Hey Y/n sit next to me?" Megumi asked you as he grabbed a hold of your hand.

"Sure, but I'm also sitting next to Inumaki, he needed to talk to me. You can sit on the other side of me." You looked over at Inumaki and could tell he was annoyed by this. Especially since you were holding Megumi's hand back and not pushing it away.

Megumi laughed, "Ha, na its ok I don't want to interrupt, you guys talk. I'll hang out with you later" he said as he slowly let your hand go.

Megumi said this on purpose just to make Inumaki jealous. It totally worked.

"Ok Gumi" You said.

You got in one row, you sat next to Inumaki, and Maki ended up sitting on the other side of you.

Maki was busy trying to help Nobra, she was having a mini melt down about her outfit or some girly thing like that, you were too focused on Inumaki to pay attention.

Inumaki decided to concentrate on you and push those annoyed feeling towards Megumi away.

"Y/n, I'm sorry I haven't really talked to you lately. I missed you so much and listen, I wanted to talk about us more after today but just know no matter what, if you need me call me and I'll be there. Please if we get separated stay safe."

You take a moment to process that. In that instant you remembered what you needed to remember. That feeling that dark, heavy feeling, something bad... "Huh, Inumaki. Something bad will happen to him."

"If we get separated, just know that I will fight my hardest to get back to you. I ask you though that if we really do get separated, you find me as quickly as you can. Can you do this please?"

Inumaki was stunned at your response. He thinks to himself.

"Why is she saying this? Does she know something? She would fight her hardest to get back to me.... To get back to me... to ME..."

"I can do that, I promise." He said to you.

You two smiled at one another and you leaned on his shoulder again. You both missed this; it felt so good to be close to one another. The reaction of your touch together was like a drug to you both and you guys had gone way too long without your dose.

Megumi notices you two, and Inumaki notices Megumi looking over at you. He starts to get jealous and annoyed all over again.

"U-um Y/n, what's up with you and Megumi?"

"Nothing, he's just been asking to hang out lately." You reply.

Inumaki debates whether he should ask more of his burning questions, he doesn't want to come off jealous, but he also really wants to know how close you two have gotten. In the end, emotions won.

"Have you hung out with him?" He asks.

You smile and look up at him, "Yeah a few times" You laugh and say "why you jealous?"

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now