Getting Closer

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You and Inumaki spent a lot of time together. You knew he liked you and you knew you were starting to have feelings for him. He had no idea how you felt and all he could do was guess and hope you felt the same way he did. You didn't want to get close to him, you didn't want to lose someone else again. You didn't want to deal with the fact that if you lost one more person, you'd go off the deep end, and the deep end is not a good thing for someone as powerful and reckless as you.

Sure, you had control now, but if only Inumaki would have seen the way, Gojo found you. Broken, upset, angry, reckless, and worst of all... POWERFUL....

** mini flashback**

Nanami enters the room.

"Gojo!" He yells.

"We have word that a powerful woman is attacking a group of people. I need you to go and eliminate the situation."

"Oi, really? Doesn't that sound like a you job?"

"Don't be such an ass right now; you know I'm busy trying to find the last very powerful ancient artifact YOU LOST!"

"Oh, that's right." Gojo chuckles.

"Sorry about that again. I will go. I will go." He sighs.

Gojo thought it would be another easy fight. Yet what he came upon was something much more that what he originally thought.

Upon arrival in a forest, he saw a woman surrounded by at least 30 cursed assassins.

"What's this?" he said. "I thought the woman was the one doing the killing, not the other way around." He said to himself. 

A few feet away he sees two bodies lying on the ground. He goes to check, only to see that they are indeed dead.

As he looks up to interrupt and ask what the hell is going on here. He sees you crying, yelling, then suddenly time stops.

"Oi, just who is this now?"

As time has stopped, he sees you lift off into the air blasting fire from your hands. Landing down and flying towards the men who didn't get blasted by your fire.

He debates whether to interfere. But he's seen you come this far, so might as well see everything you can do.

You jump up and land punches, kicks, and slices with all your energy. Killing everyone.

Time unfreezes and all of the bodies instantly drop.

You look over in Gojo's direction. "Were you here to kill us too?"

"Us?" Gojo says stunned.

**end mini flashback**

You had already made up your mind to not fall for him. It was very hard though since you two were always training, and hanging out after, hell you guys could hang out and talk for hours. But this is all it can be. "Anything more and I would not be able to not be with him. I would give in, and I can't" you thought.

Inumaki wanted nothing more than to comfort you. All the time, just make you feel safe, something you really needed.

It was a day before a big fight. You along with everyone else had been training together. Around sunset Maki called it a day. 

"Everyone eat well and get a good night's rest. We never know what we will face so we need to be as physically and mentally as ready as possible. Y/n can you stay behind for a second; I want to talk to you really quick." Maki said sternly.

Everyone else shook their head yes and waved goodbye to everyone and went on their way to the rooms. Inumaki stayed behind as well.

Maki turned to him. "Salmon." He said, meaning I will wait to talk to y/n after you.

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now