Let Me Feel You

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As you two were in the hospital, Toge never left your side. Your beds were right next to one another. After a few days, Toge had healed enough that he was able to sit next to your side. Gojo informed him that they were going to start the process of taking out Sukuna's venom. It had unfortunately already merged with your blood so Gojo and Nanami knew that getting the venom back out of you was going to be painful and time consuming. They began the process and all you would hear resounding throughout the building was your screams. Again, it felt like your whole body was on fire, like your veins were pumping needles, like your bones were made of glass, with every breath and expansion of your chest it felt as though your chest was ripping open and with every exhale felt as though pounds of weight caved onto your chest.

Toge sat there next to you, holding your hand, his eyes tearing up seeing you in this much pain.

You would go until you passed out, Nanami wanted to do it in 5-minute intervals but you hated that idea. You wanted to go for as long as you could, you lasted 32 minutes before you passed out. This went on for about a week, Toge lived in that seat, the only time he would leave you was to get you food or a change of clothes. By the week mark, your hair was back to normal mostly, only a streak of pink remained. They eyes disappeared on your face as well as most of the tattoos engraved on your body.

"This is the most we can do, anything more and I don't think you will survive it," Gojo says to you.

You looked at your body, there were still some tattoos on your legs, stomach and arms but nothing like before. Your hair, well you looked at the bright side, it looked cute the streak of pink.

"Will I be ok with some of his venom still inside me?" you ask Gojo.

He looks at Nanami and shrugs. "We really don't know, but we think you will be ok that is why we tried to take out at much as possible." Gojo says.

"We intend to keep an eye on it just in case" Nanami assures you.

You looked over at Toge and asked him "Do I look ok?" while looking down at the ground.

He walked over to you "You look beautiful" he said to you as he lifted up your chin to kiss your forehead.

"I'm assuming he said yes," Gojo said laughing.

You shook your head up and down yes.

Gojo clapped his hands together "Perfect! I knew he would think so. Now my little time stopper, you need to rest. Ok?"

"Okay" You said to him.

Toge helped you change; he brought your favorite sweater.

"Oh my gosh, I couldn't wait for the day I would be wearing this sweater again!" You said happily.

Toge smiled and walked with you to your room. As you entered it, you saw how clean it was compared to how you left it. There were your favorite flowers all around the room, you looked over at Toge and threw yourself into him. He wrapped his arms around you and held you tight, he pulled away to look at you.

"I.... I'm sorry I couldn't get to you sooner Y/n. I wish I could have done more, I tried though; I tried so hard to..."

You cut him off by kissing him, you pulled away "I know, don't be sorry, you did everything you could and in the end you came for me." You said smiling at him.

"I honestly don't know what I would have done without you. You got so strong, I'm so proud of you, your strength caused our bond to become true!"You exclaimed.
"Y-you know the bond gave me your e-energy as well. Without you... I-I would not have healed in time, I would have died, and y-you, you would have died too....."

Tears began to well up inside of you; some began to slip out as you shakily spoke again.

"You saved us both, I am so grateful to you, I...."

"Marry Me," Toge said aloud to you.

You were shocked, and felt the cursed speech pull at you.

"If you want" Toge also said aloud, realizing that it sounded more like a cursed order than a question.

"Yes!" you said smiling.

Toge smiled back, "I don't have a ring yet, I'm sorry, but I just know that you are it for me. I know that your love is what gave me that strength; your love pushed me to be better, stronger, and faster for you, for us. You are my everything; I knew you were different from the moment I was introduced to you. I just want to fight by your side forever, and protect you always."

You smiled as Toge said this, happy tears rolling down your cheek.

"I'm so happy, the only thing that got me through being in hell was thinking of you. You kept me sane; you kept me alive, you gave me strength I didn't know I had. You saved me. I can't wait to fight by your side forever."

As soon as you finished talking, Toge crashed his lips into yours kissing you passionately. He scooped you up and placed you on your bed turning off the lights and locking the door.

"As much as I want to make love to you, you need to rest beautiful," Toge said to you as he laid down next to you. The moonlight was beaming down on you two emphasizing the pink streak you had.

He grabbed the streak and brushed it back into your hair. "You're home and safe now," he whispered to you.

You smiled and whispered back "Yes I am"

Toge pulled you into him and stroked your hair until he knew you were asleep. Only then did he allow himself to drift off into sleep as well.

Daytime came and you were still fast asleep. Toge woke up around 11 o' clock; he showered and went to run a few errands and pick up food. He expected you to be awake when he got back, but you were still out like a light.

He didn't want to wake you, he knew your body needed the rest, so he just ate and watched tv keeping a close eye on you. He was still a little paranoid that something might happen to you. Around four in the afternoon you finally woke up, you rolled over, opened your eyes, and saw Toge sitting on your couch watching your favorite show.

"Hey, did you start the new season without me?" You said with your sleepy voice.

Toge looked over and laughed "No, I'm re watching last season, I was waiting for you to start the new one". He got up and sat at the side of your bed.

"You ready to get up?"

"Shit what time is it?"

"Mmm it's 4:17"

"Oh shit I slept all day, I'm sorry," You say sitting up fast.

"Don't be, you needed rest"

"I know but still, you were probably bored just waiting for me to wake up"

"I wasn't, don't worry," He says while stroking your cheek. "Are you hungry?"

"Yes!" You said.

"Perfect, I have your favorite ramen; I'll go heat it up for you"

You sat up and stretched your body before standing up. You headed to the bathroom to freshen up. When you came back out, Toge had your food ready for you and patted the spot next to him on the couch.

As you ate, Toge played the new season of the anime you two loved to watch together, you just relaxed next to him. You two were very content next to one another, back together again.

Around 9 o'clock, you heard a knock at your door. You were a little thrown by this; you thought maybe someone was here to see you. Gojo said no one should visit you for a couple of days; he just wanted you to focus on resting and getting your strength back. Toge stood up "Wait here I'll get it" he said to you.

As he opened the door, he greeted whoever it was,


Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now