New Beginning

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Your curiosity peaked as Toge didn't reveal who was at the door. He stood there with something in his hand and all you could hear was mumbles from the other person. You started to get up off the couch and Toge looked back at you motioning you to wait so you sat back down at the edge of the couch.

You debated on trying to mind read Toge and whoever was at the door but you decided to just trust Toge and let it be, you knew you were just being nosy.

After a few minutes, Toge closes the door and sits back down next to you like nothing happened.

You look over at him waiting for him to say something but he doesn't, then he looks over at you.

"Well, aren't you going to tell me who that was?"

He laughs, "It was Gojo"

"And?!" you say a little annoyed.

"And that's it really"

"What so he just came to say hello to you?"

"No, don't worry about it Y/n, you trust me right?"

"Yes, but"

"No buts, just trust me ok?"

You agree but are still annoyed that he will not tell you what is going on. You get up and make your way to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" He says to you.

"To take a shower"

"Can I join?" He says knowing you might say no since he is holding something back from you.

You pause, you wanted to say something like "You can if you tell me why Gojo was here!" but that is you being petty and your relationship with Toge is beyond that.

"Yes" you say.

Toge gets up and follows you into the bathroom. He knows you are still annoyed at him, but he is hoping he can take your mind off it.

You begin to run the shower so that the water will be just the right temperature. You take your clothes off and check the water again.

"Perfect, its ready Togs"

"Hmm Togs, I like it" He smiled.

You smiled a bit but not like your normally would. Toge approaches you with just boxers left on.

"Y/n it was nothing bad, why are you worrying so much? I need you to trust me"

"I do, it's just I-I'm scared of the venom left in me, I'm just paranoid that Gojo came to tell you something about it. Knowing you, you would keep it from me to protect me, but I swear if anything like that happens please tell me, I can't...."

You pause and stare blankly at Toge's chest and begin to cry.

"I'm sorry I don't know why"

Toge cups your face "Don't be sorry anymore, you went through a lot when that bastard took you to hell. I can't even imagine what he subjected you too. D- Did he... Did he touch you?"

You shook your head side to side. "So that wasn't a lie," he said to you. You looked at him confused.

"Before he stomped the shit out of me he told me that he didn't even try to fuck you, but I didn't believe him"

"Well it's true he never did, but he did try though. I pretended to turn off my emotions after he put me into "eternal darkness". For some reason when he would try and entice me I wouldn't let it work and he left me alone."

You two hadn't talked about what happened yet, Toge didn't want to push you to think about it and you didn't want to talk about it to spare Toge more pain of not getting you back faster.

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now