Years Pass By...

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Time passes it's been about three and a half years now. At the moment everyone was trying to figure out a way to unseal Gojo, months ago a powerful curse sealed him away. The only reason the rest of you made it out was due to you using your time stop to finish off that super powerful curse but  unfortunately the seal remained still on Gojo.
Nanami is close to figuring it out though, him and Megumi have been working day and night to figure out how to undo the spell. Until then, there is nothing much you guys can do.

Meanwhile you and Toge were as close as ever. Your bond was strong and got stronger the more time passed. This bond came in handy a lot when one of you would get into danger, but honestly after a few dicey fights you two never went to a fight alone. You remained close to one another, never being more that a few steps away during a fight. As the year started to come to an end, you would all face one huge problem.

You and Toge were outside training as well as the others when all of a sudden, the sky went dark.

"What the" you say to Toge as you both freeze and look up at the sky.

Everyone else runs over towards you.

"What do you think this is?" Nobra says to you.

"I really don't know, the only explanation is this is the end of the world, or a very powerful curse has manifested."

"That sounds like the end of the world to me either way" Megumi says.

Just then Nanami came running out to you guys.

"Oi, where is Yuji?! He was supposed to come back from his mission this morning," Nanami says in distress.

"Oh, that's right, we haven't seen him yet, we've been out here all day" you say.

"Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy" Nanami says pacing back and forth he is unusually flustered.

"What, what's happening?" Panda says.

Just then a sonic boom was heard pulsing through the ground and a bright flash of light shone into the sky spreading over a vast area in the next city over.

"OH BOY!!!" Nanami says yelling out.

"What is.... Oh no" you say hanging your mouth wide open.

"What is it?!" Nobra asks you.

"Nobra, I'm sorry, I think Yuji, no Sukuna ate all 20
fingers," you say to her sadly.

"What no! That's not possible" Megumi says.

"It is completely possible, and Y/N here is correct," Nanami says finally pulling himself together.

** Meanwhile

Yuji was walking back from his mission thought the adjoining city. He stopped in to pick up some pastries for everyone. While leaving the shop he turned into an alley, taking a shortcut. Suddenly Sukuna began talking to Yuji out of his face mouth.

"Oi boy let me get one of those tasty pastries."

"Well ok, just one"

Yuji took one out and began to raise his hand up to Sukuna's mouth. As he did Sukuna lifted Yuji's arm and knocked the pastry out of his hand, landing on the floor near a patched-up wall.

"What the hell, I thought you wanted one!" Yuji says looking down and yelling at his mouth hand.

"Sorry boy, it was an accident, I'll still eat it."

"Well yeah you better, I only had one extra one the rest are for my friends."

Yuji stoops down to pick it up, as his hand reaches for it, all of a sudden; Sukuna moves Yuji's hand up and punches though the patched-up wall.

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now