New Leader

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You two were up bright at early at 6 am to get a head start from everyone else.

You started to run your laps while Toge was setting up some of the equipment, then using the rest of the time to meditate and practice his breathing skills that you taught him.

"Wow, she is back huh?" Megumi interrupts Toge's breathing.

Toge shakes his head up and down, while both of them look over at you running laps.

"How many do you think she's run?" Megumi asks Toge.

"Salmon," meaning 67.

"Hmm what a specific amount." Megumi says puzzled.

You saw Megumi talking to Toge and decided you had run enough. As you head in to talk to Toge and Megumi, Megumi asks you:

"Hey how many laps did you run?"

"Umm, 67." You say barely out of breath.

Megumi was confused; there was no way Toge would know how many exactly. He saw him from afar that his eyes were closed as he was meditating. "Lucky guess maybe". He says to himself.

Everyone else rounds up and you say hello to everyone and apologize for you being away for so long.

"We don't blame you, I'm glad you're feeling better." Nobra says to you while placing a hand firmly on your shoulder to show you she cares.

"Yeah, what Nobra said", Yuji says to you. "And also, I'm glad you're back it wasn't the same without you". He finished off smiling at you.

"Thanks, you guys you say smiling at everyone."

"It's good to have you back y/n. Panda says. Also, I have news."

You stop and look at him wondering what the news is. "What is it? Did something happen?" You start to say anxiously. Toge puts his hand on your back and says your name to you. This makes you calm back down ready to listen.

"Everything is ok y/n, basically Gojo put you and I in charge of everyone now. I am only in charge since I have been here the longest, but you are the strongest so really I feel like you are the one in charge. I'm here to help you if you need it though." He says to you trying to sound as sweet as possible.

"Me, in charge." You say looking stunned.

"Maki was such an incredible leader, I will do my best to protect all of you and be there to help you just like she did." You say to them standing tall and proud.

"We look forward to that." Panda said patting your back.

Everyone started stretching and you went over to Toge, while stretching he was talking to you telling you he was proud that you would lead them and then he started telling you a funny story. You couldn't stop laughing, he was so good at making you laugh. Panda interrupts.

"Ok y/n name what should we do?" He says.

"I think you and Megumi; Yuji and Nobra; and I'll be with Toge for today. We need to get you to a higher capacity of cursed words."

"Sounds good!" Yuji says.

"Let's get to it!" Nobra says yanking Yuji away.

"Ok Toge let's breath more, I need you to be up 10-12 words. Do you think that is possible?"

"I think so if you help me." He says to you.

You two sit again face to face and begin your breathing technique.

You two are still getting used to being bonded, so everything is new experience all over again for you two.

"Toge I can feel you staring at me." You say peeking one eye open to look at him. "I need you to focus on breathing." You say laughing.

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now