Lover's Bond

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As you got back to your room, you each took turns showering. When you were both done you were both laying down in your bed talking about your day together. 

Admiring your matching cuts, Toge picks his hand up to stroke over yours. He traveled up your arm grazed your breast, up your neck to your chin and pulled your face up to kiss you deeply. You start to pull into it as well moving to get up on top of him while maintaining focus with his tongue deep in your mouth. This horny feeling this time was twice as better. You two were bonded now and this made your emotions more intense. You were both feeling one another's arousal growing and it felt fucking amazing. To feel each other's tingling sensation, him getting harder you getting wetter. The feeling was so intense it burst out of you two. Moaning as your tongues wander endlessly in each other's mouths. Each of you fighting for dominance, Toge slowly rises up so that he is sitting against the wall and you follow his mouth as he moves up you end up straddling his lap. He runs his hands from your back down to your ass and grabbed handfuls of it, this made you break the kiss, throw your head back and moan out. Toge took this opportunity to suck on your neck egging on this incredible feeling for you. You continue to moan for him and this makes his dick grow harder and harder. He stops sucking on your neck to push you back, you land onto the pillow behind you and Toge crawls on top of you.

He looks incredible hot, his arms flexing as he uses them to get to you, once he reaches your body he goes up to kiss you and travels down your body to your wet underwear.

"I want to taste you," Toge says to you.

He pulls your panties off you and spreads your legs open. You wait in anticipation as you feel his breath linger over your opening. When all of a sudden you feel his wet warm tongue enter into you, he pushes it deep into you and flicks it around your walls causing you immense pleasure. He then would pull his tongue in and out if you, you grabbed onto his arms grasping him tightly, he went faster when you did this. He pulls his tongue out and begins to suck on your clit making the climax surface more and more. Sticking his tongue in every few seconds and going back to your clit. You were overwhelmed by how amazing his tongue felt "Oh yes that feels so good" you moan out for him. He then sticks his tongue into you as deep as he could get it and flicks it around in there, making sure to get every inch of your walls while digging it deep into you.

"I'm gonna cum!" You yell out.

"Cum for me, I want to taste you" Toge says to you.

You immediately came after that, your lower body writhing in pleasure from his amazing tongue.

Toge sucked up all your juices wiping his mouth after.

"Fuck you taste good," he said to you looking right into your eyes.

You bit your lip at this remark and you grabbed his shirt flipping your positions rather roughly. You wanted to satisfy him just as much as he satisfied you. You hungered for his dick, you pull your shirt up over your head and he quickly did the same. You went down to meet his lips once again he wanted his tongue to enter your mouth but you denied entry at first. He moved back and used his cursed speech "open your mouth", and you obediently opened it.

He grabbed you by the neck pulled your lips up to his, he gently put his tongue in your mouth and you broke free of the spell, crashing your tongue into his.

You pulled away and traveled down his neck giving him little bites along the way. He moaned each time you did this, making you crave his dick even more. You reached the top of his briefs and slowly pulled them off, revealing his huge hard dick ready for you. You grasped his member in your hands and licked off the pre cum. His anticipation grew as you made him wait for it, stroking it and biting his thighs. You were hoping he would grow so impatient that he would use his cursed speech on you again; it really turned you on him "forcing you" to do things. Little did you know of course cause of the bond, he also wanted to do this, but he didn't want to force you to do something like this.

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