First Day

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The weekend goes by uneventful after that crazy first night. Now Monday rolls around. You regained all of your strength. Sleeping most of the weekend away. You wake up early Monday morning to mentally prepare. Sitting on the floor, you meditate for a bit when you hear a knock at the door.

You open the door to see Gojo.

"Morning my little time stopper. Are you ready to begin training?"

"Yes, I am, woke up early to mentally prepare."

"Oi good, good. Maybe you'll whip some of these others into shape."

Gojo walks you to the training area and leaves you to start.

You are the first one to arrive. You begin running laps. Each lap increasing your speed.

The others start to arrive and watch on at how fast you are going now.

After about 30 laps, you slow down and run towards them. As you arrive, you let out one big breath and then stand straight.

"Wow, you're not even out of breath." Megumi comments.

"Ha yeah, that was just a warmup."

Yuji's mouth hangs open. "What really? Let us see how strong you are."

Yuji goes to punch you and you deflect it with ease. Counter punching him in the back.

He goes flying.

"Whoops" you scoff.

"Impressive." Megumi says. "But can you handle this?"

Megumi calls upon his cursed dogs and send them flying towards you.

You let out a deep breath, building up the cursed energy in you quickly, zooming out of the way before his black dog could bite you. Surging with energy you throw up your hand and fire shoots out. Knocking the dog out. You quickly flip backwards and do the same the white dog coming at you. You look up and see a huge bird coming your way.

"Tch what is this? Are they testing me?"

You jump up high as the bird swooped down at you. Landing on its back. Pushing your hands into its back you let your energy flow through you into the bird. Shocking it and falling to the ground. You jump off it's back before it lands. Leaving you standing in front of everyone.

"Anyone else?" You say annoyed.

Maki and Nobra look at one another. "Nope."

Megumi looks at you in shock. You managed to evade his cursed animals so easily. Barely breathing hard. Wow, she's amazing. He thought to himself.

You look at Megumi. "Sorry about your animals, I didn't fully attack them; they were just stunned and should be just fine."

"How come you didn't do that when you punched me?" Yuji cries out.

You smile. "I did."

Nobra chimes in. "Ha-ha wow Yuji what a burn."

Maki claps her hands together. "Ok let's focus now. Everyone pair off and let's practice hand to hand combat."

Megumi and Inumaki both wanted to be partnered with you. But Maki believed you should be sparring with her. Which you didn't mind at all, she is the strongest woman you have ever met that did not actually possess any cursed energy.

Maki and you square up. "Now before we begin, I should let you know I don't have any..."

"I know," you cut her off.

"How do you know?" Maki says.

"I don't feel any energy coming from you, but I'm sure Gojo wouldn't have anyone here that couldn't handle the curses. So I know your strength comes from somewhere else."

"Wow, you're very perceptive. I like that."

"Thank you, I try. So let's start."

Attack, again, again, and again. You and Maki going at it. Pushing one another to go farther and farther. She was skilled, but there were times when she would let guard down and you could read her mind. You can read what move she was about to do.

You pause.

"Maki, when you are transitioning into you next attack you let your guard down for a quick second. In that second, I can read your mind. Don't give me that chance."

Maki a little stunned. "Got it."

She comes at you again, and again and again.

"You're so awesome Maki! I can't read your moves anymore."

You guys were so into training that you didn't notice it was sunset already. As you guys finally take a breather, Maki sit's against a big tree.

"Ok, let's call it a day y/n."

You sit in front of her.

"Sound's good to me"

"How did you become so strong Y/n."

You look up at her, trying to ready her mind. "What is she thinking?"

You can faintly read that she is very curious about your clan.

"I know you want to know about my clan. The Nezral clan, there is only four of us now including me. My father trained me. Every day from sunrise to sunset since I was 4.

He said our ancestors put a lot of time into learning how to create the power of time freeze.

Also, well...."

You were hesitant to say this, but you say it to Maki anyways. Looking down.

"He also said they sacrificed a lot of people to create this. Once people caught on, they rebelled against our ancestors. I don't blame them though honestly. It was a horrible way to create this power. I hate that this is the reason we can do this. Many of my clan were killed off when I was young and I've been on my own ever since."

"Was anyone from your family killed?" Maki says softly.

"Yes." You say looking off sad.

Maki replies. "You don't have to tell me or tell me when you're ready. I'll listen."

"Thank you Maki senpai."

Let's go wash up and eat. You both walk back to your rooms talking on the way.

In your mind you're thinking. "I actually just might be ok here."

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now