Fight Day

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The day of the fight was here, and you all arrived out front waiting to head out. You were there talking to Maki when you see Inumaki come up. He has built up his body muscle wise and his new shirt is making that obvious. Not anything crazy hulk status but you could tell he looked stronger. Also, now instead of 3-4 words he can now speak 7-8 words. All thanks to the hard work you two put in, and let's be honest you guys loved spending the time together anyways.

Spending the entire day training, then eat together or meet up with the gang and all hang out. You two always stayed close to one another, no matter who you guys were with, you'd always be sitting right next to each other.

You all get in the car and head to the location where curses are said to be gathering randomly. Like there may be a portal there that they are coming through. You and Inumaki sit next to one another. You want to hold hands but that would be too much with everyone here. So instead, you lay your head on his shoulder. Megumi notices this from the back row and stares at you for a moment thinking, "Damn, they are so close, if I want her to notice me I have to make a move"

Inumaki is talking to you in your head, telling you stories about past fights and funny moments that happened. You are laughing along with him and it's like you two are in your own little world. Which technically you were. No one else could hear what Inumaki was saying, only you.

You arrive and everyone exits the vehicle, but you and Inumaki stay laughing at something he just said. You two didn't notice that you had arrived and that everyone had already gotten out of the SUV.

"You two love birds coming?" Panda says.

Inumaki glares at Panda.

"What? Are you two not in love?"

You two look at each other.

"We have to get going!" Maki interrupts

"We all have to be focused; don't bring up such things right now Panda!"

"Eh, you're right, let's go guys."

As you guys all arrive at the location where the curses were Maki discusses strategy.

"Ok so y/n and Megumi will go in and sweep the 6th floor that's where the curses most likely are."

She splits everyone up by floors, Inumaki ended up being with Panda of course on the 2nd floor.

Before splitting up you and Inumaki say to one another, not trying to make it obvious to everyone.

"Be careful, call me if you need. I will come right away," He says to you.

You shake your head up and down yes and say, "Same goes for you".

You two linger for a few seconds looking at one another. Then Megumi pulls you along.

"Let's go y/n." He says as he grabs hold of your hand pulling you along with him. He noticed how you and Inumaki were being protective over one another.

Walking up the stairs to the 6th floor you close your eyes trying to sense anything coming your way.

"Y/N, do you sense anything yet?"

"Mmm, no not yet. Oh, I can faintly feel something coming from that door."

You pointed at door up ahead of you two on the left.

"Perfect." Megumi summons up his demon dogs to go ahead and check out the room.

You two hear noises coming from the room and rush in. Once you run in you see an ugly huge, cursed monster attacking the black dog. Right away you build up energy inside you and shoot out fire at the monster.

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now