Side Mission

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You woke up early to go get breakfast with Toge, you guys sat outside enjoying the nice warm morning. The car rolled by to pick him up for his mission with Megumi already in the car.

You walked Toge to the car and hugged him goodbye, as you pull out of the hug, Toge admires the necklace he gave you.

"You're still wearing it; it looks good on you" He smiles while gently placing it back down to rest on your chest.

"Of course, I am! I love it."

He wanted to make sure since he will be gone for a day or so that you are still wearing this, his secret insurance policy on you just in case anything did happen.

Toge grabs your chin with his fingers and pulls you up to look at him, "Be safe, I love you" he says.

"YOU be safe! I love you too."

Toge got into the car, and you waved to Megumi through the window.

You started heading to the training ground to continue with what you needed to do, but you kept your senses on high alert to ensure Toge was safe.

The whole day went by fast; Yuji actually gave you a run for your money this time. As the sun sets, you call it a day.

"Oi, I can't believe I finally landed a shot on you y/n"

"Ha yeah only took you how long?" Nobra says.

"Whatever, at least I made it to this point" Yuji says annoyed.

"Well, whatever, let's go eat! Y/N wanna join?"

"Sounds nice." You say.

You go eat with everyone and are having a nice time.

**Meanwhile Toge and Megumi were hiding behind a huge waterfall, apparently the curse they are fighting has one of Sukuna's fingers and a lot of evil curses are after it.

They killed off the low-level ones easily. Now only 3 more powerful ones remain.

"Ok I'm summoning my cursed bird; we need to take out the one throwing fire balls at us." Megumi says while jumping out from behind the waterfall.

His bird catches him, soaring through the sky deflecting the fireballs being thrown his way. He gets close enough and shocks the curse knocking it down, he flies off his bird hurdling towards the curse at a high speed.

Megumi came crashing down right into its stomach causing the curse to cough up blood. He completely caught the curse off guard, he was able to shock it once more before summoning his dogs and they come out biting and tearing the curse to shreds.

"Whew" he lets out a sigh of relief, "Now the fire will stop at least" before he has time to relax another curse jumped up catching him off guard and punched him square in the chest sending Megumi flying back towards the waterfall again.

Toge jumps out and catches him. They both go down falling into the water; Toge grabs a hold of Megumi keeping his head above water as he swims to the edge. He reaches the end and gets out, dragging Megumi into a nearby ditch to conceal them for now.

"Salmon" meaning are you ok.

"Yeah, just got the air knocked out of me" Megumi says while holding his chest.

He goes to stand up, then falls back down. "Oh shit, I guess that punch took more out of me then I thought."

The curse begins to approach where he last saw the two of them. Toge looks back and realizes this.

"Salmon" meaning I'll be back.

"No, Toge don't, wait for me!" Megumi says trying to grab him before he took off, but it was too late.

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now