Too Hot

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You pull Inumaki through the sea of people; weaving in and out, you find a secluded hallway. You pull Inumaki towards you, "Kiss me" you say and he goes into kiss you again. He grabs your face again; you two meet one another tongue first, smashing into a deep kiss, this starts to get you heated up, you push Inumaki against the wall pressing your body against his. As you two break for air you two hover close to one another's face, breathing hard trying to control your hormones. You grab Inumaki's hands and place them on your thighs, right where your skirt ends, going into kiss him again.

As you two are making out Inumaki is stroking your thighs going up and down them, he is still hesitant to go any further up. "Go higher" you, say as you break for air again going right back into the kiss. Inumaki moves his hands up and over your ass, as he does you can feel him react to that. He rests his hands right on your lower back, and then makes his way back down to your nice big ass again. He could feel himself being more and more turned on.

"Fuck, she is so hot, I can't believe I'm kissing her, I'm touching her.... damn I want her so fucking bad." Inumaki says in his head.

You were mind reading him. You two hover near one another's faces breathing hard; your hormones are both going crazy now. When you lean in and whisper to him "If you want me, take me".

"Fuck." Inumaki says to you. You drove him crazy, you were dominating him, you always did, training, talking, fighting, now this. He wanted to show you that he could at least dominate you at this. He pushes himself off the wall towards your lips and sticks his tongue back in making you moan into his mouth. Damn that moan drove him insane; he turned you around and pushed you up against the wall. He grabbed both of your hands and pinned them up over your head against the wall never breaking the kiss. You were so turned on by this, you love being taken control of so you kissed him harder and picked up one of your legs wrapping it around Inumaki's thigh pulling his hips in closer to yours. Inumaki let's go of one of your hands, holding onto both with one hand above your head still, he brings down his other one to grab the leg wrapped around him. Caressing your thigh going up to your butt, you two can feel the vibrations of the music off the wall and it just increases both of your urges.

You two break for air when Inumaki says to you. "We need a room".

"Let's walk to my room, it's not far from here remember." You say to him. He grabs your hand and leads you back through the sea of people out towards the front door.

You two begin the 5-block walk back to your room. It's late and dark, you guys were loving the cold air hitting you, it is helping you to sober up a bit. Still along the way, you two would stop in dark spots and make out again, once you two would  lose breath you'd continue on your way. Until finally you guys make it up the steps and into your nice warm room.

Once in, you lead Inumaki towards your bed. You two both want one another but Inumaki still wants to make sure this is ok for you.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks.

"Umm yes, I'm sure, are you?" You asked kind of annoyed.

"Yes, I want this, just wanted to make sure since we both drank, and you took something." He said looking down as if he was scolded by you.

You realize he was only asking because he didn't want to take advantage of the situation. You were not used to guys being a gentleman, and he had already managed to break down the walls you had clung too in order to keep people away. You did not want to keep him away anymore.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to sound like that I-I..." You say looking down sad.

Inumaki lifts your chin up with his index finger and smiles at you to stop you from talking. "I know it's ok."

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now