I'm Trying

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You were up early and getting ready for another day of training when you hear a knock on your door.

You thought it was Toge coming back from getting you guys coffee, but it ended up being Gojo.

"Oi, what do you want?" You say sounding annoyed.

"Well, you looked so happy at first, who were you expecting?" He says smirking at you.

"None of your business, now what can I do for you?" You say rushing him to answer you, you close the door to your room more, you just realized there is a bunch of Toge's clothes and things around your room. He practically spends all this time there.

"Ok ok I was coming to let you know that I have a mission for Inumaki and Megumi, and one for you."

"Me, just me?" You say.

"Yes, is that ok?" He says.

"Yeah of course it is that's better for me." You say happily.

"Good to hear, the one for Inumaki they leave tomorrow here is the info, and you leave in a few days here is your info." He says as he hands you the location and brief description of what the mission is about.

"Alright, thanks." You say about to close the door when Gojo pushes his hand to the door and forces you to leave it open.

"Yes?!" You say trying to push your door closed.

"Why is your room so messy?" He says trying to peer in.

"I've just been busy trying to catch up on my training, I'll clean soon don't worry." You say trying not to make eye contact with him.

As you turn to look at your messy room the sun hits your necklace just right causing it to glisten. Gojo's eyes open wider as he see's the necklace on you.

"Interesting" he mumbles to himself.

"What was that? "You say to him.

"Oh, nothing just talking to myself."

"Ok well I am closing the door now, so talk to yourself out there, see you later." You say breathing a sigh of relief closing the door shut.

Gojo lingers in front of your door when behind him Toge appears. Gojo looks to the side and begins to talk to him; he already knew who was behind him without looking.

"So, the necklace you asked me about was for her huh?"

Toge hesitates to answer, but he knows there is no point in hiding it.

"Salmon," meaning yes.

Apparently, Toge has asked Gojo about putting a good curse on it; this way as long as you were wearing it, you are protected. This curse will activate if you are going to receive a fatal wound; your skin becomes impenetrable, not even Gojo could attack you. To create something this strong though Toge needed to make a "curse pact" something you can only do once, and something that is only granted to male Jujutsu warriors. It is sexiest but it has been the way for centuries and does not look like it will change anytime soon.

Toge vowed that when/if you received a fatal blow his life would be used to keep you from being injured. As long as Inumaki is alive and well, and you are wearing the necklace you will be shielded. However, if you were to receive a fatal blow while not wearing the necklace and die, Toge would die as well.

It normally takes an extremely long time to get a "cursed pact" granted by the Superior of all Jujutsu warriors. But most come to him wanting a pact for power, money, or strength, it is rare he receives such a humble request, so that instantly peaked the Superiors interest. Toge needed Gojo's help for his whole plan, to help him create the spell, and to get him a meeting with the Superior so fast.

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now