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Maki's death affected everyone, they took it hard, but you took it the hardest and everyone knew it. You had gotten very close with her and she was gone. Someone gone again!

Gojo said it was ok for you guys to take your time and heal. While everyone was taking the time they needed, you would go out on missions by yourself. You'd get so beat up, but you'd always manage to defeat whatever you were up against. You were so angry and hurt, whenever you were being pushed down or losing your edge against a curse, a flashback of Maki would come back to you, and you would just rage and finish off the job. Inumaki was concerned for you, but he couldn't stop you from going off. When you'd come back you would just hang out in your room, you wouldn't talk to anyone except Inumaki and Gojo.

You forced yourself to talk to Gojo; you only did so he could give you your side missions. He stopped trying to convince you not too when you eventually gave up asking him and just started going off on your own. He figured at least this way he knows what you are fighting and where.

Megumi wanted to visit you so many times, but he always ended up not. He figured you needed your space to morn and get better. Plus, he thought "What use would I be to her anyways, nothing I say could make her feel better?" He decided to leave it at that.

Inumaki would come over and bring you food, you still didn't talk much. Occasionally Inumaki would say something that would make you smile and that was all he lived for at the moment. To make you feel something again. The only time he felt or saw real emotion from you was the day you woke up from the fight. Ever since then, he only gets glimpses of the real you, but those glimpses make his day. He didn't care that you would not say much or didn't want physical touch anymore, he had faith that you would heal in time and be you again.

Inumaki had brought you ramen and you guys finished eating when he says to you.

"Ok, I'm going to head to my room, will you be, ok?"

You shake your head up and down.

"Goodnight Y/N", Inumaki says as he tries again to hug you like he did every once in a while, he slowly brings his arm up testing the waters. When you see this, you flinch and begin to bring your arm up.

"No, I'm sorry Y/N. I just wanted to see if it was ok to hug you yet. I don't even need to hug you just place my hand on your shoulder. Anything."

He looked at you with eyes that looked like they were about to cry. You felt pain in your chest, you felt feelings. You looked at him and said "Sorry".

He smiled, pulled his arm back and got up off the floor where you two were sitting.

"Don't be, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Y/n" Inumaki says as he closes the door and leaves.

You get up as well and start to wash up and change into pajamas. You lay back in bed and stare up at the ceiling crying. You eventually start to get sleepy and your eyes finally close. A couple hours pass and begin to fall into a nightmare.

As you look around you see everyone dead. Nobra, Yuji, Megumi, Panda, Inumaki, Gojo, MAKI!!! You scream and wake up jolting up in bed. You start crying and breathing hard, you can't catch your breaths. You realize you are having an anxiety attack; you've had them every night since the fight but this one was horrible. You couldn't calm yourself down, and you could feel your heart beating faster and faster. It was like the anxiety energy was mixing with your cursed energy and made it 10 times worse. That was when you thought to yourself. "I wonder if Inumaki would feel me tapping him, please feel this!" You say to yourself.

Meanwhile Inumaki was awake not able to sleep, you were constantly on his mind. He wanted to help you feel better and heal. Laying there in thought, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked over at his right shoulder, thinking maybe a bug landed on it or he hit something without knowing. There was nothing near his shoulder. "How strange" He thought.

He felt it again, and then again.

"Huh Y/N!" He thought to himself. He grabbed a sweater, threw on shoes, and started running towards your room. "I'm coming Y/N!" He said to you in your head.

You could hear him in your head, which made you happy but you were still breathing hard. You moved your legs off the side of the bed, you were feeling lightheaded and extremely hot, and so you rip the covers off and peel your shirt off your sweaty body. Inumaki comes running in through your door. You look up and try to get up and go over to him grasping at your chest for breaths, but you fall down.

Inumaki runs to you and kneels down with you. His hands fly towards your face but he pauses right before he touches you.

You look up at him; he can see your eyes are in distress and you can see his eyes look so worried. He asks you "Is it ok if I touch you?"

You shake your head up and down while saying "Yes!"

He grabs your face, pulls it in close to his touching his forehead against yours, and says, "Shh, You're ok, I'm here now.....Shh"

You slowly fix your breathing; you just keep staring into his eyes, his big beautiful purple eyes. They calm you, and you can feel your body relaxing once more. Inumaki then asks, "Is it ok if I touch your shoulders to help you up?"

You keep staring at him and think for a moment. "What would I have done without him?"

"You can touch me now, its ok." You say quietly, almost whispering it to him.

Inumaki helps you up and sits you on your bed. He goes to get you some water to drink and kneels down in front of you.

"Feel better?" Inumaki says concerned.

"Yes." You say while taking another sip of water.

"Does this happen a lot?"

You shook your head up and down, "Yeah, every night, but tonight was bad, I'm sorry for calling for you in the middle of the night." You say looking away sadly.

"Don't be sorry, I said I would be here whenever you need me."

You smile. "Do you mind staying tonight?"

"No, not at all. Y/N I will stay every night and watch over you as you sleep. If, that is ok with you?"

You shake your head up and down and a few tears start to fall from your eyes.

As he gets up, he grabs your face and with his thumbs wipes away your tears. "No more tears" He says.

He takes off his sweater puts it on you to wear to bed. You wrap yourself in his sweater and snuggle up in his chest. You fall asleep instantly, now that you feel safe sleep was easy.

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now