The Sunset

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It was five in the morning and the alarm went off. Toge rolled over and hit the off button.

"Y/N wake up, we gotta get ready"

"Mmm, ready for what?"

"The sunrise remember"

"Mmm, right, right ok" you say falling back asleep.

Toge smiles at you and begins to get ready he had a long night after you fell asleep but it would be worth it. He gets dressed than brings some clothes over to you.

"Y/n come on you gotta wake up"

"Mmm sleep" you mumble.

"I'm gonna dress you then and carry you to the roof" Toge says.

"Mmm, Okay I dare you" you sleepily say.

Toge pulled the covers off you and leaned down to wrap his arms under you to lift you up and to the side of the bed. He pulls sleepy time shirt off your head and puts your favorite sweater of his on you. He then begins to put some leggings on you he gets both legs in up to your knee, he stands up and hugs you while pulling up the leggings the rest of the way. Toge slipped socks on you and your fav pair of Dr. Martens. By this time, you had forced yourself to mentally wake up; you stood up after he finished tying your boots.

"Ok, I'm awake" you said to him still sounding a little raspy.

"Ok you ready to go then?"

"Let me wash up real quick"

You went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. You put on a bit of basic makeup, lipstick, mascara, and eyeliner. You stepped out ready to go.

"Ok now I'm ready baby!" you said cheerfully.

Toge smiled at that and held out his hand for you to follow him. You grabbed it walking out into the chilly early morning air. You followed Toge; he led you past the training field to the buildings you went to the first time you two trained together. You both jumped up onto the rooftop where you first began to have feelings for Toge. This place really was the start for you of all the curiosity between you and him. You two have come so far since then and been through so much. More than most couples will ever have to endure. Landing on top of the building you saw things set up already. As you approach closer, it is a mattress against a wall with a perfect view; it has blankets and pillows on top. Surrounded by your favorite flowers and candles, with a little picnic basket on one side. You looked over at Toge who was already staring at you. You just saw pure love in those beautiful violet eyes. You grabbed his hand and pulled him into to kiss him.

"I love this! I'm so glad you got me to wake up for this," You say as you run over to get under the warm blankets.

Toge goes to chase you, picking you up as he catches you, carrying you over to the mattress and plopping you onto it. He plops down beside you, you two prop up against the pillows that are against the wall and pull the blankets onto your legs.

"Are you cold Y/N?" Toge asks.

"'A bit, but nothing too bad. Oh you know what would be perfect right now?"

"Hot chocolate" Toge says guessing.

"Yes! How did you guess that? The bond duhh." you said.

Toge reaches over to the basket and pulls out a thermos with two cups.

"I figured you would want this or hot coffee, so I brought a thermos of both" Toge says.

"Oooh, good call I would actually not mind having coffee after" You say laughing.

Toge pours you and him a cup of hot chocolate; you sip on it cuddled next to Toge waiting for the sun to rise. You two are sitting in a very comfortable silence, Toge begins to grow anxious and you can feel this.

You lift your head up and look over at him. "Oi, what's wrong? I can feel that you are anxious all of a sudden"

"Oh crap, I knew she would feel the change in my emotions, this bond is giving it away," Toge says to himself thinking of what to say. He knows that the sun is about to rise and he has a surprise for you.

"Well I did all of this for a reason, I wanted to do something memorable" 

You can hear the quiver in his voice; your eyes are glued to him and he has you undivided attention.

"Memorable?" You say confused.

Toge looks back over at the trees below; he can see the sun starting to peek its way up over them. 

"Yeah memorable" Toge says while sipping his last bit of hot chocolate.

You finish yours as well and place your cup aside, anxious to hear what Toge has to say.

"Y/n, I know I asked you this already, but I wasn't prepared and now I am"

You still looked at him confused.

"Oh my gosh" you said as you realized what he was talking about.

Toge reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tiny box; the sun is half way past the trees at this point. Toge extends his hands outward towards you and opens the box in front of you. Your eyes widen, the ring was beautiful it was everything you pictured your wedding ring would look like.

"Will you marry me?" Toge says to you as the sun rises beautifully before you two, the warmth of the sun reaching you.

"Yes!" You say extending your hands towards him.

As he places the ring, he brings your hand up to kiss it sitting perfectly on your finger. You blushed a little as he did this; you looked down admiring it.

You look up at Toge and crash into his lips; you two can taste the chocolate on each other's tongues. You are both filled with happiness as you two watch the sunrise leaning on one another fingers intertwined.

Narrator **

Inumaki, Toge and Inumaki, Y/N's bond would go on to stand the test of time. Two powerful Jujutsu warriors that would go on to become the most powerful couple to reckon with. Always fighting side by side protecting each other. Eventually passing these skills down to their four strong children.

~~~The end~~~

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