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Two months had gone by and everyone was just starting to get back into things. You still couldn't though.

Inumaki would sleep in your room every night. Some nights he would wake up and you would be gone. He knew what you were doing; you were off fighting a curse on your own. He hated it, but could not convince you otherwise. He would wait up for you, usually you would come back with a few cuts, some broken ribs, maybe a broken finger or two. Nothing you could not heal from in a couple hours.

One night however, things were different. Inumaki woke up, he looked over where you last were to see you were gone.

"Huh, not again." Inumaki says to himself.

He looks at the clock 2:45 a.m.

"I hope she will be back soon." He thinks.

He sits up and begins to read a book, when he hears a loud thump at your door.

He gets out of bed and goes towards the doorknob; he slowly opens it just to see you sitting on the floor slowly slumping lower and lower.

"Y/N! What happened?" Inumaki yells in your head.

You open your eyes and look up at him. "It was a strong curse."

He drags you into your room, closes the door than takes you to the bathroom. He kneels down next to you and begins to take your shirt off to see the damage. You have a huge deep slash across your stomach leading all the way up to your breast.

It looks worse than it really is. You say while wheezing barely able to speak.

Inumaki looks at you and says, "What do you mean! This looks really bad, why do you keep doing this?"

You look at him unable to speak.

"I need you Y/N, you're being reckless going off and fighting curses on your own. You come home injured every time and I have to watch you do this again and again and again." He says raising his voice at you.

"I need you to stop this!" He says demanding.

You pause and breathe in deep so that you can get some words out.

"I need to do this; I need to feel something." You say while groaning as you are trying to heal.

"I can't watch you do this, I can't...." Inumaki says as your eyes close.

You knocked out from the pain, and your body needed to heal. When you woke up again it was morning. The light was out, you looked over and Inumaki was gone. You sat up and saw you had Inumaki's sweater on; he had changed you and cleaned you up. You remembered how he reacted to you last night, you felt bad, but you also didn't want to stop going off alone. You needed to feel something, and the wounds you would get from fighting was the only thing you could feel.

**Time skip**

A week had passed since then; you got up with the intention of actually venturing out of your room today. You took a shower and then got ready. You headed towards one of the restaurants around the corner. You were starving from all the energy you used on healing you recently had broken your left shoulder and the bones had finally healed leaving behind the nasty bruising.

As you get close the restaurant, you see everyone standing in the front. They had just come from eating and were talking.

"Hey Y/N!" Nobra says, waving you over.

You walk over to everyone. "Hey Nobra, hey guys". You say looking at everyone.

"It's good to see you again, how is everything?" She said concerned. Everyone was waiting for your answer as well.

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now