Sister Bond

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Two days after the fight, you were ready to train and practice again. Although no one really wanted to yet. Nobra and Yuji still needed more time to heal, Panda and Inumaki would be gone for two weeks doing a side mission. Nothing major something Panda wanted Inumaki's help with, something about where Panda grew up. There was a killer on the loose, a human killer, so nothing they couldn't handle on their own. Which was better for you since the day after Inumaki slept over he's been weird.

You were outside training by yourself, when Maki approaches you.

"You're dedicated." She says.

"I guess so." You say sighing.

"Want to spar?" Maki says while whipping out her katana.

"Hell yeah!" You say happily.

Back and forth, you two went at it for hours. When you two were fighting one another, it was as if time froze and you two focused on the fight. She challenged you like no one else did, which was amazing considering she had no cursed energy. You two eventually stopped for the day and you invited her to hang out.

"Did you want to get some food and come hang in my room for a bit?" You say hesitantly.

Maki usually stays to herself besides training, she likes to meditate and self-reflect a lot.

You think to yourself "That is probably why she is so strong; she is constantly mentally prepared for anything."

"Yes, I would like that" She said with a slight smile on her face.

You were excited that she had accepted your offer. Even though she kept to herself a lot, you two were actually getting closer. You two were usually training together now a days and it was if through that you two learned more about one another.

"Oh awesome!" You say. "Let's go get some food then."

You two walk to the noodle shop down the street and begin to order take out.

As you two are waiting for your orders, three guys come up and approach you.

"Well, hello beautiful ladies." One guy says.

"My name is John, this is my boy Nate and that right there is my guy, Luke."

"So, these are your boyfriends then." You say sarcastically.

The guy laughs. "Ha good one but anyways you ladies interested in going to a party with us tonight?" John says smiling.

You and Maki look at one another.

"Na." Maki says.

"Na, why? It will be fun! Lots of alcohol, drugs, and the best part the three of us will be there." Nate says while pointing at him and his friends.

Luke chimes in. "Yeah and there are rooms there so you know if you girls wanted to we can use it" He says while grabbing onto Maki's arm.

"Umm were good", Maki says trying to get his hand off her arm.

He does not let go. "Oh come on it'll be fun, you look like fun," He says looking Maki up and down.

"I would let her go if I were you." As you say this John grabs your arm.

"Oh yeah, are you tough girls huh? Going to make us cry." John says sarcastically while pretending to cry.

You and Maki look at one another again.

"Cry, who knows, but we will cause pain," You say.

Before the boys know it, at the same time you two grab their hands and rip them off your arms. Holding onto their hands firmly you two take your free hands and grab onto their arm and flip them over on their backs. You two look at Nate standing there in amazement.

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now