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**Time Skip a few hours**

You begin to wake up; opening your eyes, you see that you are no longer in the woods. You're in a hospital. "Thank goodness, I'm not back there anymore." You say to yourself, just than you have a flash back. You were looking down holding Maki in your arms as she spoke her last words to you.

"Goodbye sis".

You start to cry; Gojo comes over to you and calls your name.

"Y/N, are you ok?"

You snap back into reality and continue crying.

"No, I'm not ok, Maki is dead. She is gone and it was all my fault!"

"Y/N it wasn't your fault at all." Gojo says taking your hand but you pull away.

He holds his hands up, as if to say sorry for touching you.

"That was a very powerful unregistered curse. More powerful than hundreds of curses combined. It's no wonder what happened, happened. You survived fighting it and you saved Inumaki as well as your other comrades." Gojo said concerned.

"But I lost Maki!" You yell out at him.

"I know, trust me we will all miss her, she will be buried with honor. Y/n, listen it was not your fault. Honestly, without you, none of them would of survived. You did a lot." Gojo says trying to show you the bright side.

"Not enough." You say under your breath.

You wipe up your tears and ask.

"How is everyone else? How is Inumaki? Did we get the artifact at least?"

"Everyone else is fine; Nobra, Panda, and Megumi need a few weeks to heal. Yuji should be ok in a day or two same with Inumaki and we were successful in getting the artifact."

You were so relieved that everyone although injured were relatively ok. You were also glad you guys were able to retrieve the artifact. "At least it wasn't all for nothing". In saying this, you have another flashback of Maki dying in your arms.

As you begin to cry again you also start to get sleepy. You lay back down and start to close your eyes, the last thing you hear is Gojo saying "Sleep more Y/N, you need it."

You fall back into a slumber. You were running through the woods and you see a body lying on the floor in the distance. You run as fast as you can towards it, as you approach the body it is Maki. Dead. You fall to your knees and grab her in your arms. You cry, just sit their crying with her in your arms. The curse comes behind you and whispers in your ear. "This was your entire fault, you're not strong enough. So weak and pathetic, you always mess up. You should have died."

"No, I'm not, I killed you! You're dead!" The curse disappears and you begin to scream in pain as you look back down at Maki.

You are jolted awake. You open your eyes and see Inumaki sitting on your bed holding your hand. Your sweating, breathing is fast, and your heart is beating uncontrollably.

"Wha. What day is it? What happened?" You say confused and out of breath.

"Calm down" Inumaki says sweetly, brushing your hair away from your face. "It has been 2 days since the fight; I woke up a few hours ago. The doctor came and said I was ok to go, I asked about you and he said you have been asleep since that day.

I was here watching and waiting for you to wake up when you started screaming in your sleep."

Inumaki says calmly stroking your hand and wiping off the sweat from your forehead with his sleeve.

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now