A Little Something

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You are close to being back when it starts to drizzle a bit.

After battle everyone was tired. As the clouds got darker and darker everyone was ready to just clean up and go to sleep while the rain poured outside.

As everyone gets out of the car it starts to pour rain. Panda grabbed Nobra and ran her straight in, everyone else followed closely behind them. Inumaki was the last one to get out since he was the one all the way in the back and he was lost in thought about you. He figured everyone was gone, hiding out of the way of the rain. As he begins, he slowly makes his way out; he finally makes it to the door and sees you from behind the rain covered glass.

You love the rain. The way it feels hitting your skin, the smell of it. Especially the sound it makes as you drift off to sleep. You turn around and look up at the sky admiring the rain falling from the dark huge clouds.

Meanwhile Inumaki is just watching you enjoy the rain. His heart was beating fast. The feeling he was feeling for you was intense. 'I love the way the rain touches her skin. I wish I could touch her and hold her. I wish she were mine.'

You thought you were alone, since you had been standing there for a few minutes now. When Inumaki opens up the car door and steps out.

You lock eyes with Inumaki; he is looking at you in a different way. When he looked at you like that it gave you butterflies. You know damn well what that look means.

"Y/N." You say to yourself.

"You cannot give in; I repeat you cannot give in." Next thing that came out of your mouth shocked both Inumaki and yourself.

"Inumaki, do you maybe wanna sleep in my room tonight?" You say shyly.

All the while thinking to yourself. "OH, you idiot! That is not what you were supposed to say! Umm goodnight, uhh good fighting today! That is what you should have said. What if something happens? That would be great, Uhh no! It cannot happen... Y/n you've screwed yourself."

Inumaki responds forcing you to stop your psycho talk to yourself.

"Yes, actually I'd love to." Inumaki says shyly as well.

You both smile and make your way inside.

You two are wet leaving a trail of water all the way to your room. As you open the door you turn on the heater right away.

You tell Inumaki, "We need to change into dry clothes."

You give him a shirt you have that is big enough for him. Inumaki looks a little surprised you have this.

"Don't worry" you say, "It's not another guys, I just like to buy oversized guys shirts as pj's. They are really comfy." You say with a smile. "I'm going to the bathroom to change; you can change here. I'll knock before I come out."

You close the door and take a deep breath.

"Whooo. Ok you can do this, just friends. Who can cuddle together? Yeah, that's it."

You change out of your wet clothes and put on your own oversized shirt. You towel dry your hair a bit and fix yourself up a bit before you go back out.

Meanwhile Inumaki is changing out of his clothes as well.

"Whooo, ok you can do this, make something happen. If anything, don't wimp out stay focused. Tell her how you feel!" He says to himself.

He puts on the shirt you gave him it's a V-neck, so now he is just in that and his boxers, those stayed relatively dry.

Inumaki hears the knock.

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now