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A month after that fight Nobra was healed up and ready to train again with everyone.

Yet since that night, you and Inumaki have not really seen one another. He has been kind of ignoring you and you didn't know why.

As you make you way to the training grounds, Megumi comes up behind you and hugs you.

"Oh, hey Megumi!" You say happily.

"Someone is happy." Megumi said grinning.

"Ha, yeah. I'm actually happy to train today. I need to get out some pent-up emotions." You say with a serious face.

"Mmm, everything ok?" He says concerned.

"Uhh, yeah and no. But I'll be ok." You say. You have always guarded yourself. The only people you really have let your guard down with is Inumaki and Maki and but right now Inumaki was avoiding you.

"Hmm, ok well if you ever wanna talk. I'm available. I guess." He says playfully trying to lighten the mood.

"Thanks. I guess." You say back chuckling a little.

Everyone is gathered up now and Maki starts to break everyone off into pairs.

"Y/N and Inumaki, I think you should train so you can gain more words."

"Actually!" Panda chimes in.

"Toge said he wanted to train with me today."

You look over at Inumaki kinda annoyed. He avoids eye contact with you though.

"Huh woooow." You think to yourself.

"Well ok than, Y/N and Megumi you two pair up."

"Sounds good to me!" Megumi says happily.

Now Inumaki looks at you. He looks annoyed at Megumi.

You look at him as Megumi grabs you by the waist and starts to lead you out to the field.

"So, what did you have in mind y/n?"

"Well, I was thinking we can train by coming up with tag team tactics. I think you and I work well together, so we can just expand on that."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea!"

"Someone's happy." You say smiling.

"Well yeah, I'm training with the most powerful woman I've ever met so of course I'm happy."

You were taken aback by his compliment. He has never been this nice before, to anyone really.

"Aww thanks Gumi!" You say giggling.

"Ha, I'll allow you to call me that if you can pin me down."

"Challenge accepted!" You say.

"Ok, now don't be surprised if you can't do it on the first try. I mean I know you're powerful and all but...."

Before he could finish his sentence, you had snuck up on him and flipped him over and sat on top of him, pinning his arms down.

"You were saying, Gumi." You said laughing.

"I wasn't ready!" Megumi yells.

"Sure, let's go with that excuse."

"One more time, this time I'll be ready!"

You two re-set.

"Ok, let's go." You say.

You come at him the same way you did before. This time he counters you and evades your attack. You circle back and slide your leg out to sweep his and he falls. As you go to land on him, he jumps back up. He grabs your arm and pulls you towards him, you break out and grab his arm and pin it behind his back and push him up against the nearby tree.

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now