Sister Bond 2

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You fly into a rage. "NOOOO!"

You breathe in and hold your stomach and with your free hand, you grab the katana still lodged in the curses chest. You push down to completely cut it open, blood and organs came spilling out.

"Why? Why you bastard?!" You yell out at it as it spews up blood.

"She called you sis, if I can't get you; I get something you love.... Hurts you." It says breathing hard.

You take the katana out and let it fall down on its knees. "Go to hell you bastard!" You say as try to summon all of the energy you have left to finish this things off.

As you yell out your power increases and you bring the blade back and swipe furiously at it's neck cutting its head clean off.

You drop the sword and rush over to Maki; she is still breathing. You hold her in your arms putting your hands over her chest wound.

"I'll give you my energy, you'll be ok sis, you'll be ok." You say crying.

"You do... don't have enough energy sis." Maki says breathing hard now.

She knew you used up a lot of it and even if you did give her energy, the chest wound was too big, she was losing too much blood, and she can't heal.

"Y/N listen, you deserve to be happy. Don't fight happiness."

"You deserve happiness too! Maki, please stay with me, please. You are my sister I need you." You say, tears streaming down your face now. Inumaki makes his way over towards you and Maki. He begins to stroke her hair.

"Don't forget me and I will always be with you...I will never forget you Y/N, you became my sister...Inumaki" She looked up at him. "Take care of her."

Inumaki had tears falling from his eye. He shook his head up and down yes.

Maki lifts her hand up to grab yours.

"L-listen, I-I love you like a b-blood sister, I-I'm so-o glad w-we met. Goodbye Sis." Maki says barely audible.

You were hanging on every word she was saying when you heard her last breath leave her mouth. You looked into her eyes and there was no spark there anymore, her eyes were blank.

You yell out at the top of your lungs and cry. You cry and cry as you hug Maki's body.

"I wasn't good enough! I'm useless! Why didn't I see this coming, why, why...? WHY!!! You lift up your hands and fire started to emanate from them. I should have, I SHOULD HAVE BEEN STRONGER!"

You cry more, the more you cry the more the fire grows coming out of your hands. Inumaki could tell you were spiraling. You stood up and fire started to surround your body it grew more and more the harder you cried. At this rate if you got any more upset the fire would travel farther and end up scorching everyone around you guys. Inumaki walks towards you trying not to get burned. As he travels towards you he is calling to you, but you're so upset you can't hear him. As he gets closer, he decides to reach for you even it meant he was going to be burned. As he reaches in to his surprise the flames don't burn him. So he grabs your arm and you quickly turn to him, hand up and ready to attack him. He looks into your eyes not even flinching at this, you see that it's him but still can't stop. Inumaki runs his hand from your arm to your hand grabbing it firmly. He pulled you closer to him bringing up his other hand to cradle your head as he pushed you gently into his chest. Your power instantly stopped and you fall into his arms. 

You latched onto him; he grabbed you and pulled you towards him, wrapping your legs around him. He sat there holding you as you cried, being in his arms made you calm down, but you could still feel this deep sadness crashing over you. You two stayed that way until you passed out from crying.

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now