Chapter ~ 20

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Dillion Scott || Battle plans

After Keenan opened up a little about his life, Jack opened up on the lies that Ryker has been feeding them. Ryker led Alice and Geoffrey to believe that Elias died in the fire, blaming them for letting Keenan into the pack who was the mastermind behind it, which apparently is good enough reason to abuse and keep them hostage for over fifteen years.

Keenan spent a few hours answering Jack's questions of Elias. It was informative and endearing to hear all the things the pair had achieved and survived through. I couldn't imagine the stress and responsibility that was thrust upon Elias from such a young age, his wolf was barely fully grown and he became the alpha of the pack, learning what that meant as he went. It explained why he shut everyone out and as years went he just kept it cause it worked in his favour.

For most of the afternoon, while Jack had a nap, I was talking with Nick and Josiah, updating them on what has happened and working with them to figure out where exactly Ryker is hiding out. Thankfully our pack over the years has made friends all over the country so with in a few calls with packs around the area I suspect, we got the exact location of Ryker's hide out. Ryker seemed of been a bit of a nuisance for a few packs, enough so that one pack offered their assistance in taking him down. So we got a location and a battle plan too all before dinner, I'd say we did pretty well.

It's been barely a day and Jack has opened up so much, coming out of his shell little by little. which I honestly wasn't expecting, since he has really no reason to trust anyone with what he has gone through. He has warmed up to Keenan, going as far as giving him a hug when he left, and now wanting to meet Elias. Which is brave for anyone considering Elias isn't exactly the most friendly of faces, though living with Ryker your whole life, Elias probably seems delightful in comparison.

The walk to Elias's office was a slow one, as Jack took in every detail of the hall way, studying the art that hung on the walls with pure amazement. Most of the art was abstract so trying to explain what it was and the meaning came as a bit of a challenge since I wasn't really into art myself.

My original plan was to talk to Elias privately about this whole situation, cause I know for a fact that he will not like my plan, as it doesn't include him. But Jack wanted to give Elias the folder of notes that I've managed to organise and make comprehensible and who was I to deny the kid on meeting his long lost brother, one that doesn't want to kill him.

Keenan had told me the news a few hours ago that it was confirmed that Jack was a Sallow. Elias apparently took the news well, from what Keenan told, Elias was more angry at Ryker which was understandable. I'm pissed off at Ryker and I have yet to actually meet the guy. I sighed softly as I knocked on the door, Jack gripping my hand tightly.

Keenan opened the door, his eyes widening in surprise that Jack was with me, Keenan smiled softly. "Well aren't you brave. Elias has been wanting to meet you ever since he found out about you" Keenan said, Jack perked up slightly a faint smile lifting the ends of his lips, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

I internally cooed at him. I smile softly at the nervous looking boy, straitening his shirt out which didn't go with the pants he was wearing but he chose it and was proud of it so who am I to tell him otherwise. I gave nod before ushering the boy into the office. "Elias, meet Jack Sallow. Your youngest brother" I introduced Elias studied the boy from his desk, his face void of any emotion though the mask seems to be failing him. I assume the reality that his parents were alive was starting to hit, its one thing to talk about it but another to have walking proof that they didn't perish in a fire, something Elias has carried the blame and burden for.

The pit of courage that got Jack here seemed to of run out, his legs buckling under him. The papers slipping from his grasp. "Remember one second of trust at a time" I said softly crouching beside him, pulling him into my side softly. " A lot has happened in twenty four hours, I honestly didn't expect you to be talking to me let alone meeting Elias today. You've been so brave and trusting, It's okay if you need some time." I said softly rubbing comforting circles on his back.

Elias watched us intently, his usual hard expression softened dramatically and for the first time since I met him I could see emotion. Forest green eyes were glassy with tears, some of which had already escaped and had made their way down Elias's cheeks. Elias slowly got up from behind his desk, still keeping his distance as he kneeled on the floor in front of us, his shoulders slumped as he sat back on his heels, almost looking defeated.

"Jack" Elias tentatively whispered. Jack turned slightly, his eyes widening but surprisingly stepped out of my embrace and shakily moved over towards Elias who wrapped his arms around the thin, frail frame of Jack, pulling him into his chest. Jack yelped slightly at the movement but seemed to understand that Elias meant no harm and kept still, letting Elias dig his face into the crook of Jack's neck, letting out a quiet sob.


"Are you certain that this is Ryker's location?" Elias asked as I walked into his office the following morning, his attention on the mess of papers on his desk, his clothes were unchanged which leads me to suspect he has not slept last night.

"Good morning Elias, I feel fine thanks for asking, " I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes. Closing the door behind me and sitting in one of the leather chairs, "Between Jack's description and Alpha XXXX confirming that Ryker was in the area. I'm pretty confident that is where Ryker has your parents" I said answering his question.

"Alpha XXXX?" Ryker questioned, leaning back as he crossed his arms over his chest. XXXX was a big help, as he has had a few run ins with Ryker and has offered accommodation, medical assistance and man power to take Ryker down. Ryker and his rouges have not necessarily made many friends with neighbouring packs.

"Offered his assistance in the mission. Treaties and pacts do come in handy from time to time" I said glancing at the artwork that was hung up in the office, my eyes landing on a painting of a couple that had familiar features as Elias. I guess all their memories and photos would of perished in the fire, so paintings would be the only way to see them and remember them by. "You know you can't go" I added hesitantly.

Elias's eyes hardened, raising an eyebrow at me. "If we want this to be a rescue mission the less people from the Sallow pack coming the better." I stated simply, "My brother has offered his men, Alpha XXX has offered men. Between them I will have more then enough man power to get your parents out and capture Ryker." I stated, Josiah has already figured out a battle plan and it would do him good for a first proper assignment away from Nick and Dad breathing down his neck.

"They are my parents, that I have failed. Ryker is my brother, my problem and a battle that is between us. This is not your fight nor anyone else's." Elias stated, turning his attention back to papers on his desk. Which I assume was his way of ending the conversation. Unfortunately for him I wasn't finished talking, really he should know better by now that I'll have the last word.

"I don't know Ryker very well. Never met the guy, only heard a few stories. What I do know is that he sent his little brother on a suicide mission, its obvious he doesn't care much for you and I'm going to take a stab in the dark that he has little to no remorse for what happens to his parents. " I stated crossing my arms across my chest.

"You say he is your problem? Then why haven't you fixed it? It baffles me you know, cause I know for a fact that you are capable of taking him down. Capture him and a few of his men, one of them would of cracked about your parents, about Jack. Could of saved them a few years of grief." I stated, I knew I was walking on thin ice with this, but I'm trying to make a point and I've learnt in the past few months to make a point you gotta push a few buttons.

"You know nothing" Elias growled venomously, standing up with some force as his chair slammed into the cupboards behind him. I flinched slightly, the last line from me might of been a little low.

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