Dillion Scott || Confirmed Suspicion
The first thing I noticed was the pressure on my stomach and the slight warmth it gave off, once that registered through my brain that was currently still foggy from sleep. It booted my other senses into gear, I could smell diesel, hay and a mixture of animal and human scents, which mildly concerned me considering I was in wolf form. Unsuspecting humans and were-wolves don't generally mix well together.
The next thing that occurred to me is the lack of pain I was currently in, which means who ever found me has taken the bullets out of my shoulder and leg. So I'm hoping that's a positive sign and I'm not in more trouble then I was in originally.
My eyelids peeled open, blinking a few times to focus them. I was laying in what seemed like a stable pen of sorts, which explained the farm related smells. Lifting my head and glancing around I was surprised to find a small child. Judging by the purple princess blanket I assumed it was a little girl. Half her body was sprawled over my stomach, with my body somewhat curled around hers, a blanket pulled up to her chin as she slept peacefully.
Though confused on her presence I kept still not wanting to startle her. A sleeping wolf is a lot less scary than one that is awake. The girl either has little fear or a lot of trust in that I wouldn't hurt her. Wild wolves definitely wouldn't be as kind.
I could see some folded up clothes along with some boots on the other side, a piece of paper wedged between the boots. Which probably means who ever helped me out knows about werewolves. I don't smell any other wolf scents which means this would be humans.
Sometime later, my ears picked up on a voice calling out a name somewhat hushed before rushed footsteps. I'm assuming the parent of the small child that's currently keeping me from leaving. The footsteps were now on concrete, their shoes squeaking slightly as they walked towards us, a little fear rolling off them. Understandable, their child isn't where they left her and they currently have a wolf in their shed.
A man with a beanie came into view, a large old coat wrapped around him, his brown eyes widening finding his child cuddling with a wolf. This was an odd situation where I couldn't really communicate with him that I meant no harm. Shifting was out of the question cause I'd be butt naked, which I'm pretty sure I'd be breaking a few indecency laws if I do that, I also don't want to scare them if they think I am just a wild wolf.
I looked at the man who was studying me figuring out if I was a danger or not. Moving my head, i nuzzled the child, my teeth nipping at the blanket that has fell down slightly and pulling it back up. The action seemed to calm the man's fears slightly.
"I've heard legends about werewolves, whether they are true or myth, I never really knew what to believe." He said softly, taking a cautious step inside the pen, searching his coat pocket for something. "The silver tip bullet I found in your leg along with your size and tame demeanor, I'm going to say your no normal wolf" he stated holding up said bullet in his hand before placing it back in his pocket.
I could tell he had some problem with his left leg as he struggled to bend it so he could reach his daughter. I reached over nuzzling my snout at her hand that was gripping my fur. Flicking out my tongue, "Kara, wake up" The man muttered, gently shaking her shoulder. Kara mumbled something unintelligible digging her face into my fur, stretching her arms out giving a yawn.
Once she did wake up and her brain processed reality, her eyes widened. A grin over took her face as she surged forward, arms wrapping around my neck, forcing me to lay my head down. The lack of fear in her is astounding, her father seemed to almost have a heart attack at her fearless actions. "You made it" she exclaimed, her voice muffled into my neck. "I knew you would." She said, I turned my head to look at amused, she grinned widely, scratching behind my ear.

Broken Enigma (on hold)
WerewolfGetting attacked by a cougar was low on Dillion Scott's list of things to do, in fact it was on the list of things not to do, along with almost dying, getting kidnapped and getting picked up for trespassing on Sallow pack grounds. Unfortunately ever...