Chapter ~ 7

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Dillion Scott || Misunderstood Truths

The next morning, thankfully I wasn't awoken by the front door getting slammed off its hinges. Which was surprising since I slept through breakfast, which I'm sure they knocked for. The kitchen in the apartment was fully stocked which meant I could make my own breakfast quite easily. My mother had all of us (my siblings) volunteering in the pack kitchen, so we'd learnt how to cook not only quick meals for our self but for other people to.

I decided today that I'd let my wolf out for a run since I haven't for the last few weeks. Our wolves generally need a run every few days otherwise they get restless. Since they are animals, we can't have conversations with them, contrary to popular belief. Our wolves do have a connection with our emotions though, which sometimes effects ours or balances it out.

Changing into some sweats and a random singlet along with my shifter bag. A shifter bag was basically a fanny pack but just a made a little different, the bag part was big enough to fit a change of clothing in it along with a phone and money if needed, and the strap was slightly different, so it easily adapts from human to wolf comfortably.

Walking downstairs, I once again got a few confused stares, "Morning Dillion, you missed breakfast, I can ask the chef to make you something" one of the pack members that I recognised from dinner offered. I smiled "I had some food in my room so I'm all good. Any rules around shifting or borders I should know about?" I asked as I walked to the door, different packs have different rules when it came to shifting.

"Northward, don't go past the creek. East and west borders are fenced off so your safe there. Southern border is a meadow that is used for training, you'll be stopped before then." Another pack member explained, I nodded thanking him before stepping out.

The pack house seems to be in the town centre, with shops and other businesses surrounding it along with a smallish park. The housing seemed to be split up into smaller groups that has its own name, sort of like suburbs in a city, I assumed it had some type of purpose.

Getting behind the tree line of the forest, I quickly got undressed, stuffing my clothes in my bag before shifting. It was slightly painful because of what's happened the past few weeks, but all up it felt good. The wind blew through my thick tri-coloured coat. My father was a dark brown wolf with patches of black and my mother was a beige and white wolf, so me and my siblings were a mixture of them both, the thing we have in common is that are that the tips of our tails were black.

Shaking out my coat I set out walking, digging my paws in slightly out of habit. Just like wolves and normal dogs, boys tend to mark their place, for us it can be considered quite rude and sometimes threatening to mark in someone else's territory. So, we do a thing called paw scenting, which is just digging our front paws in ground lightly so we mark our sent that way, it's the polite way I guess, for me it also helps to find my way back since my scent will be slightly stronger than if I were just to walk/run.

I found the creek quite easily, glancing curiously at the other side. The creek itself was shallow and very thin, so it wouldn't really do much in stopping wolves coming over.  It was peaceful place to be, since there wasn't really anyone else and in certain places the winter sun broke through trees.

Finding a nice enough spot, I laid down for a bit, dipping my paw in the icy water. I ended up having a small nap which gave me an energy boost, which I decided to let out in the form of running, pushing my wolf to see how fast I could go.

I knew I had passed a patrol in my sprint, I didn't see them, but I had a whiff of multiple wolves that would of just gone past. The thing I wasn't expecting was that patrol to take notice of me, but they did. When I figured out that they were following me, I was already to late to stop as a wolf smashed into my side making me yelp.

Unfortunately for me I was in unfamiliar territory which meant I was already on high alert with everything around me.  Having a wolf growling and baring it's teeth at me threateningly on top of me only had my defensive instincts kick in. I snapped back before managing to get the greyish wolf off me, I didn't have much time to try and calm my wolf down or surrender before another wolf ran towards me.

I was laying on my back with a blonde wolf snapping its jaw at my neck, using my hind legs I kicked him off internally cringing at the yelp as I assume the wolf hit a tree. In the middle of shifting into my human form I had the Grey wolf on top of me again, which crushed my leg almost instantly from his weight. I cried out, my hands coming up to grip his fur around his head, so his teeth didn't break my neck.

"Submit! I submit!" I yelled out breathing heavily, the wolf stopped trying to rip my head off, also moving his back leg from mine, I hissed at the pain. I really have no luck in these situations. What is it with everyone trying to kill me? "What is it with you lot and using unneeded brute force? seriously!" I huffed out, getting a warning growl in response. "I'm not a threat, I didn't mean to hurt either of you." I muttered, as the greyish wolf stepped back, allowing me to sit up, biting my bottom lip to keep the cry of pain as I moved my leg.

"Who are you?! Why are you here?" A low voice growled, glancing up but making sure not to look in the black-haired man's eyes, "I'm Dillion Scott, and I'm a guest" I introduced, leaning to grab my now half shredded shifter-bag, luckily it was only the strap, not the clothing part. The bag was snatched out of my hands, making me huff, raising an eyebrow at the man who opened it (breaking it further) before throwing my clothes on the floor in front of me. I bit my tongue on saying something.

I quickly put my shirt on, hesitating with my trousers since that's going to hurt like a bitch to get on. "Guests don't roam our land, let alone unannounced and without an escort. Don't make me ask again" I'm guessing the black-haired man was the leader of this group. He glared unimpressed; well, this is going to be a fun time trying to convince them I'm allowed here. Luck really isn't on my side.

Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair, "I came here yesterday, with Keenan and Elias-" I got a few warning growls at that. Right, first name bases is a no no. noted. "Ask them, they can confirm it, hell, the people who had diner at the pack house last night can confirm." I said which did nothing in proving my innocence. "If you're going to believe one thing, please let it be that I'm no threat" I pleaded lightly.

"Get him up" the leader snapped, two men grabbed my arms harshly, pulling me up to a stand, pain exploded from my leg, a shout of pain escaped me once again.  They were so kind as to put my pants on gently, which I appreciated.

"So when it's revealed that I'm in fact telling the truth, what happens to you lot?" The question shot out of my mouth before I could hold my tongue. I got a decent right hook to my cheek as an answer, which I probably deserved. I was escorted to the holding room, where I'm sure I'll be in for a bit more pain, since they don't believe the truth, not that I'm helping myself.

My wrist stung from the silver cuffs that were currently digging into my skin. I swear it doesn't matter what I do, I always end up in some form of trouble. I didn't even do anything wrong and I'm getting my ass beat.  It was revealed that Keenan and Elias was out doing business and won't be back till late, I've also managed to weasel out the fact that petrol's were increased since yesterday for the duration of my stay. This all would be fine if the guards and patrol knew that It's me that they are meant to be protecting.

Black haired dude, who I've personally named Dwayne, as he gives major 'the rock' vibes, with his physique, though he is white and has a full head of black hair but that's not the point.  I've gotten few fingers broken since I haven't changed my story which shockingly, they don't believe. Thankfully fingers heal quickly and aren't super painful, unlike my leg, which I'm gonna guess will take a day or two to heal.

My fingers and most of the other bruises were healed by the time Dwayne came back in the room. I'm thankful and slightly surprised that they left my leg alone. I have a small feeling that they are hesitant with properly hurting me to get answers because of my story and that it hasn't wavered.

"Going to ask one more time..."

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