Dillion Scott || Shared ResponsibilityThe cougars did a decent job in ripping my body to shreds, if it wasn't for the Sallow pack coming to my rescue, there was a big chance that I would of died yesterday. My somewhat heroic efforts were overlooked when the girls left the room. My father and older brothers as predicted were not impressed in the slightest with me.
My wolf is quite weak at the moment due to taking the biggest hit, it will be at least a week before I can shift. The injuries that translated to my human body will take a few days to properly heal plus I earned my self a few battle scars for the rest of my life. Something to tell the kids I guess.
"You know how these hunts go. You know what you are looking for. You are training to become a tracker, I could smell those cats a mile away. What the fuck happened Dillion?" My father scolded angrily as he stood with his arms folded against his chest. My brothers on either side looking just as serious.
"Addison has been excited to join the hunt for ages so I let her lead. I let her find a sent on her own and follow it. Not getting lost was my only real concern, so I made sure I could track my steps back. Everything else I really didn't think about because the most common threats I knew how to get out of and let's be honest no one is expecting to cross paths with a fucking cougar, let alone a family of three." I explained, trying to defend myself a little in the fact it wasn't intentional, obviously.
"When I picked up on the sent trail I knew it was an animal, for all I knew it could of been the winning elk, which is why I didn't stop her at first. I've never encountered either, so I didn't know. It was only when it was to late that I recognized it was a feline sent." I stated, my eyes glancing down to my lap. The guilt and severity of what could of happen crashing into me.
"I'm not making excuses or trying to lessen the blame. I know what I did was stupid and I take full responsibility for it. But you have to know that I would never willingly put anyone in danger." I said truthfully. The anger on their faces seemed to of defused slightly into more understanding looks.
"The responsibility and blame isn't all on you. We are a pack, even more so we are family and we should of acted like it. We are our own responsibility as much as we are each other's.
There were seven of us out there today, this should of never happened. You should not of had to be at the brink of death to save Addison, who's safety was all our responsibility, not just yours. That is a major fail of leadership on our end and what we stand for as a pack." Nicholas spoke up.Nicholas walked up the side of the bed placing a hand on my shoulder, apologizing sincerely. This definitely wasn't the way I was expecting the talk to go but I could definitely see their point. hopefully it is something we will work on for the future.
By morning I could thankfully walk with some assistance of crutches, but I was mobile. Broken bones depending on the size and type of break can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days, which is nothing compared the the couple of weeks that normal humans have to endure. Small bones will heal with in the hour depending on the break like a clean fracture in your finger it would take ten minutes, if that. The lager the bone and the more pieces it is in the longer the healing time is.
Skin repairs it self in seconds, so cuts, scratches and even bullet holes are a very quick fixes. Unfortunately the cougars basically ripped chunks of my skin off, which makes the process a bit longer, along with the freezing temperatures and blood loss plus what ever other factors, it all just takes a toll and a little longer to heal. Temperature isn't something people think about but it does have an effect, wolves always heal quicker in summer then winter.

Broken Enigma (on hold)
WerewolfGetting attacked by a cougar was low on Dillion Scott's list of things to do, in fact it was on the list of things not to do, along with almost dying, getting kidnapped and getting picked up for trespassing on Sallow pack grounds. Unfortunately ever...