Dillion Scott || Blind SidedAs I predicted the little public altercation I had with Elias didn't fly under the radar, news of it spread like wild fire through the pack, so my last day and half was mostly spent getting not so subtle judging looks by everyone. My second half of the prediction came true as well, Elias did what he did best and kept his distance, but to new levels. I didn't physically see him at all until I was about to leave and Keenan more or less dragged him out. I just rolled my eyes, flipping my middle finger at him before getting in to the car which made Keenan laugh.
Thankfully the flight home was short and unproblematic. My pack was more then happy to see my return, for a short moment I was the centre of attention before it returned to getting ready for the ceremony. It felt nice to be back home, to not feel like an outsider walking around, never knew seeing so many familiar faces would be so comforting. It also distracted me slightly from Elias, I had at least three weeks to come up with a plan before my wolf gets depressed again, hopefully the next visit I can test my boundaries and see how far I can push Elias.
The handing down of a Alpha title as with any change of leadership, is a big deal. The neighbouring packs were invited for the ceremony along with a few of our allying packs. Nick has been working to get to this point ever since he was sixteen and I couldn't be prouder for my brother, he earnt it and I know he will be an amazing alpha for the pack.
It's funny how the world works as I am technically on the same ranking as Nick, with Elias being my mate. Which is weird to think about, as Nick has worked and trained for this moment for a very long time, even Josiah worked his ass off to be in the position he is in today. Yet I haven't really tried nor has it interested me in anyway to be in a position of power or authority but its been handed to me by faith. Though I don't doubt that Elias is going to make me work for the official title and his trust. I should find out who Elias's enemies are and ask them for tips since they seem to have him wrapped around their little fingers.
I spend most of my afternoon preparing and writing up my speech since it would be rude not to talk on my brother's big day. I made sure to keep mine short and light hearted cause I know from experience that the speeches can get boring and drawn out. As the afternoon faded into night, the pack house got increasingly more busy with people, I stuck with my sisters as I normally do since my parents were busy with Nick and Josiah. I got quite a few questions regarding the cougars and Elias being my savior. They all seemed shocked that I was invited to visit, though I kept the real reasoning to myself.
Everyone gathered outside for the official ceremony, My father starting out with a long speech about past battles we have fought and the problems we have over come as a pack and just the general history of our pack before easing into what he believes the future will hold with Nick as alpha of this pack. The long drawn out speeches continued which was in all honesty quiet boring. When it was my turn to speak, I was glad that I kept my speech short. After the speeches were all finished, the handing down of the alpha title commenced along with appointing the new Luna, Beta and a few others that got a title change, including Josiah.
I grinned at my brother pulling him into a hug, "Congratulations Alpha" I muttered in his ear, thanking me with a slap on the back that I returned slightly harder. I congratulated Joey in the same way, engulfing him in a hug and slap on the back. My family were all pulled in different directions by different people wanting to congratulate us, I was no exception.
I was happy to see the familiar face of Caleb walking up to me, I pardoned myself as I greeted Caleb with a hug. "Can I talk to you?" he asked as he pulled away slightly, I nodded as Josiah walked up mentioning that we had a family photo. "We'll talk later" I called out as I got dragged lightly to where my family had grouped up for the photo.
It wasn't till after dinner that I actually managed to have a moment to myself. As much as I enjoy socializing with people, I do tend to lean to the introverted side of the spectrum so it usually tires me out with big events like these and there comes a point where I've just had enough and want to leave, which is now. Caleb managed to find me once again, reminding me that he had wanted to talk. "Hey man, can we talk?" Caleb asked once more, looking nervous which made me raise an eyebrow at what he could possible be nervous to talk to me about. I nodded, Caleb motioned for me to follow him, I did. We walked away from the crowd, until the talking and music was only a murmur.
"What's up man?" I asked, leaning against a tree, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and curiosity at what has Caleb so nervous and fidgety. He motioned for me to stay were I was, a moment after he had walked away my nose twitched as something in the air. The certain smell had a few alarm bells going off in my mind, My wolf perked up defensively. Something was wrong. "Caleb?" I called out suspiciously, no one would be stupid enough to attack on a night like tonight, even the rogue packs know to avoid ceremony's like tonight. With other packs visiting, nights like tonight would be when the pack is at its strongest and heist alert.
"I'm sorry Dillion" Caleb said softly from behind me, startling me slightly, i turned on my heel to face him confused on what he was apologizing for. A strongly scented cloth was quickly placed over my nose and mouth. Betrayal and confusion filled my mind as I tried to fight him off but what ever he was using worked quickly as I could feel my body become unresponsive to what I wanted it to do. My head became foggy as I struggled to stay conscious, I felt his arms wrap around my waist, catching me before I fell to the ground in a heap.
Then everything went blank.
I floated in and out of consciousness, my eyes barely opening before closing again, my ears picking up fragmented pieces of conversations and sounds. My mind was foggy as well, I didn't really know what was going on around me nor could I remember how I got into whatever situation I've managed to get in. All I remember was the ceremony for my brother, after that it gets blurry and unclear. The only thing I knew was that I was moving. Every time I would get close to waking up a strong sent would pull me back to an unconscious state.
When my head cleared and my wolf decided to remerge from wherever it had hidden to, I could figure out quite quickly that I was not where I'm suppose to be as the air around me was unfamiliar apart from one familiar scent. I was laying on the ground and I could hear a radio play in the background, though there was quite a lot of static, which made it hard to understand.
As my mind cleared, the events leading up to my assumed kidnapping became clear. I was betrayed by my closest friend, why exactly I don't know. With that sour thought going through my mind, I decided to make my grand arrival to the land of the living and see what Caleb has got in store for me. To my surprise, I was in what looked like a cave, though its been decked out slightly. I was trapped in a smallish cage that I probably could kneel in, the bars are no doubt coated in silver. Caleb was slouched over a desk in the same clothes he was wearing to the ceremony.
It baffled me on what his intentions are, cause our packs are allies and never had bad blood between us. Me and Caleb have had our arguments and disagreements but nothing that wasn't resolved in a few hours nor was it ever that serious. I'm doubting that the Longmires had anything to do with it, cause it wouldn't benefit them in anyway, they are a bigger pack then us and they aren't our direct neighbour's so it wouldn't be about land.
"Caleb" I called out, repeating my self a few times to wake him from his slumber. His body jolted up, looking startled and a little confused as if he, himself had forgotten what happened. My glare deepened as a smile rose on his lips. "Last time I checked, kidnapping your friends isn't the best way to keep them" I said sarcastically.
"Well lucky for me I don't want to be your friend - Hungry? " Caleb said simply with a shrug, grabbing a wrapped sandwich from the table and throwing it in-between the bars. "I know we have been friends since we were kids, which was great. but as we grew older, things started to change. I met someone who opened my eyes to things that I didn't realise were possible." Caleb said. I looked at him confused, what changed? and how does it have to do with me?

Broken Enigma (on hold)
WerewolfGetting attacked by a cougar was low on Dillion Scott's list of things to do, in fact it was on the list of things not to do, along with almost dying, getting kidnapped and getting picked up for trespassing on Sallow pack grounds. Unfortunately ever...