Dillion Scott | HomeThe last leg of the journey home was a quiet one, we stopped once more so that I could relieve Ben from driving duties. If Alice and Geoffrey had questions about the pack Ben would be the best with telling them as he is the one who knows it best out of us all. Addison and Willow sent through a few more videos and photos of Jack, along with a few that had Elias in the background.
Driving also allowed me to drive off some nerves, which I'm unsure of why they have suddenly appeared considering I've already met them. I guess there are some nerves as to if they will accept me as Elias's mate. Elias himself hasn't exactly been much of a confidence booster, we are still basically strangers to each other, I've managed to create a stronger bond with Jack, who has absolutely no reason to trust anyone let alone me, in just over a week. Yet my own soul mate, a pairing picked by the powers above can't stand to be in the same room alone as me for longer then five minutes.
"Stop fretting, you'll be fine" Josiah muttered punching my arm lightly, breaking me from my thoughts. I sighed glancing at him quickly. I know things will work out in the end but there is no clear path, I don't want to my relationship with Elias purely doing things out of necessity, I would like some form of genuine feeling between us, that both of us benefit from being together.
"Jack already adores you, Alice and Geoffrey will come round in their own time. Elias will have start pulling his head out his ass otherwise he's not going to like what's coming next. The pack will love you cause look at everything you did for them already and you're just an easy person to love. Ryker has been dealt with, Caleb has been dealt with and last time I checked there were no cougars around here. So stop with you're nervous brain chatter, you're making me edgy" Josiah stated readjusting his jumper that he was using as a pillow.
The last few hours flew by quiet quickly as we drove up to the pack borders, I opened the window greeting the guard who gave me a tired smile, the gates opened after a small conversations mostly exchanging pleasantries and that the busses arrived a few hours ago. The pack house came into view, making my heart race slightly in anticipation of what's coming.
I sighed softly parking the van in front of the house, "Come on you dumbass. They have waited long enough don't you think?" Josiah said with a chuckle as he opened his door and got out the van. I rolled my eyes, copying his actions. walking around to the side of the van and pulling the door open. All three passengers were still sound asleep, Jack and Alive were laying down on the flattened seats, a blanket tucked under their chins. The blanket was one that Jack had been using the past few days and I made sure Elias's sent was on there too, which I hope brought them some comfort to them.
The blanket was a plan B if things went south at Ryker's. If they didn't trust us at all and we would of had to force them back to the Flanders pack, which I'm so glad they came willingly. I would of gotten the blanket in hope that it would ease their minds and let us help them. I smiled softly nudging Ben gently awake before stepping in the van slightly. "Alice, Geoffrey" I said softly, nudging them slightly Alice flinched slightly as she woke up, sitting up quickly her eyes darting around the van quickly before landing on me, calming instantly. The movement causing Geoffrey to wake up, his eyes searching the darkened van before catching the view outside the window. "You're home" I said smiling softly stepping back out the van.
I smiled softly as I helped Alice step down from the van, pulling her gently to my side, wrapping an arm around her fragile frame. "Welcome home darling" I mumbled. Her shoulders shook lightly as the reality of everything court up with her. Geoffrey for once allowed some one to help him as emotions overcame him. They were home, a place they thought they had lost and would never be able to return to.

Broken Enigma (on hold)
WerewolfGetting attacked by a cougar was low on Dillion Scott's list of things to do, in fact it was on the list of things not to do, along with almost dying, getting kidnapped and getting picked up for trespassing on Sallow pack grounds. Unfortunately ever...