Chapter ~ 25

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Dillion Scott | He's Alive

"Ready to go home?" I asked as I stepped into the back of the van, giving a small wave to the Flanders as the door was pulled shut. Alice nodded while Geoffrey gave me quick side glance but kept his attention staring out the window.  I chuckled, shaking my head softly. Like father like son.

Ben drove for the first few hours, Geoffrey kept silent while I chatted softly with Alice mostly about my childhood and what's been happening in the world for the past decade, though they knew bits and pieces as they did have a radio that would of mentioned big events over the years. Probably the only source of reliable information as Ryker just spewed lies.  

"You are the alpha of the sallow pack" Geoffrey stated suddenly his attention finally moving from the window. his narrowed eyes looking burning holes in my chest. Neither of them look anyone in the eyes which would be a habit that they were forced into by Ryker.

"Not exactly. I am of alpha blood though. My father was the alpha of the Scott's pack which he just recently handed down to Nick my eldest brother." I said which was true, I wasn't an alpha yet, that title only comes with completing the mating process and through a ceremony, which may take years if I have to rely on Elias to get things done.

"I don't think id be a good alpha if I'm honest. My brothers and even my younger sisters have better leadership skills then me. I must of missed that gene," I said as an afterthought, which I do believe is true, its also something that never really interested me in doing, I know one day I'll have to step up but thankfully Elias will always be the true leader, I have a feeling id take up more of the Luna role of the pack.

"Then who is running my-the pack?" Geoffrey correcting himself though he didn't need to, it was still his pack, no matter what and I'm pretty sure everyone in his pack would agree. "Beta Francis and his son died in the fire. El- Everything we had was burnt to the ground. Along with the hope of leadership going into capable hands. It's not the Sallow pack anymore. It's not mine" Geoffrey said defeatedly, a look of heartbreak coming across.

Before I could open my mouth to reassure him that the pack was in good hands, that his son was still alive, Ben had opened the van door, we arrived at a roadside dinner for some lunch and so we could stretch our legs. "I promise you Geoffrey it's still your pack, It's still very much the Sallow pack." I said honestly, Ben nodded in agreement.

"I don't remember much of your rein as I was only a kid when the fire happened, but of what my parents tell me, and having met you. I think you will like him Alpha, you are very similar." Ben reassured with a gentle smile as I hopped out and helped Alice step down. Offering her my arm which she carefully lopped her with laughing softly as she did.

"My lady, shall we feast?" I asked in a terrible posh British accent, Which made her laugh just a little louder, her smile reaching a little higher on her face as she leaned into my side allowing me to take most of her weight.  Lunch was nice, Josiah entertaining them with a few embarrassing stories at my expense. Alice mentioned a few childhood stories of Elias and Ryker, though I could see the pain in her eyes as she told them. hopefully that pain will lessen soon with the news that Elias is still alive and well.  

For the second leg of the drive Geoffrey sat in the front with Josiah, leaving me and ben at the back with Alice. Ben opened up about his mate and two children, showing a few pictures and videos of them both. Addison had sent through a few more videos and photos of Jack and Willow playing outside in wolf form,  chasing each other around the small privet yard. We stopped in a small town, having a little walk down the main street before finding a restaurant for some dinner.  Ben offered to drive the last few hours, ignoring my offers.

"Alice, Geoffrey there is something I need to tell you" I said softly my bottom lip catching between my teeth nervously. "A lot of things that Ryker let you to believe were lies. They were completely fabricated and from the bits and pieces that Jack has mention not all of them really made sense, like Keenan starting the fire out in spite of his father." I said still wondering exactly how much alcohol Ryker consumed where he came up with that one. "He never knew his father, nor did he know what he was until he shifted which you were there for." I ramble slightly.

"The Sallow pack, Is still your pack back cause it's still run by Shallow blood" I said softly grabbing my phone as I knew there was a few photos and videos of Elias interacting with Jack at the dinner we had.  Alice and Geoffrey looked at me with confusion though I could see the hesitant hope that was trying to grow but fear kept it from doing so. "Many innocent lives were lost in that fire. Up until we found Jack we had thought you guys perished in that fire too. Hence why it took so long to come get you. But on the othersider of that lie, Ryker led you to believe that your eldest had perished." I said carefully. their faces were filled with emotions, to many for me to really pin point one. "Elias, is alive." I said.

Alice burst into tears once more which made my heart break slightly but I knew that most of those tears were from relief. Geoffrey stared at me with glassy eyes though he didn't let any tears fall, there was disbelief and hesitation, like he didn't want to believe it in case it was some cruel joke. which made my heart shatter at the fact the he has been broken down so many times, good things were seen as something that will be ripped away from them as part of a joke.

"Elias Sallow is the current Alpha of the Sallow pack, has been since a week after the fire. I can't tell you much of how he ruled it back then as I've only been apart of the pack unofficially for a few months. But from what I can tell he has done a pretty good job, the pack is strong, united and thriving" I said softly handing them my phone which showed a photo of Elias at the dinner table, with an arm wrapped carefully around a grinning Jack.

"Come on, one photo you grumpy basted. Your parents will think I'm a fraud if I don't have some proof" My voice rang out as a video started to play. Elias just glared at me, which I rolled my eyes at walking behind him and pulling his chair backwards slightly "Christ your heavy" I grumbled. "Come here pup " I said softly waving Jack over which he did, giving a hesitant smile to Elias who's expression softened completely lifting his arm up silently inviting Jack to come close, which he did with a wide grin.

I chuckled gently pulling Addison's scrunchie out of  Jack's hair letting it fall around his shoulders. combing my fingers through his wild curls to tame them slightly. ducking down and pressing a kiss to the top of his forehead "Smile pup" I mumbled against his skin before walking over to my phone. "right say surprise!" I said which only Jack said. i snapped a few photos. "Right Keenen get in there" I ordered.

"Yeah come on Keenan, then can we get one with you Dillion? Please" Jack said, as Keenan walked behind them, draping his arms around them both. I nodded taking a few more. before kneeling beside Jack, who wrapped his arms around my neck leaning his chin on my shoulder.

"Alright, say Elias is a grumpy bum"  I called out with a grin, though Elias just rolled his eyes while Jack and Keenan laughed. I grinned at them as I looked through the photos, picking out the best ones.

"You know you could at least try and smile Eli." Keenan said with a shake of his head. "your parents are alive, you have a little brother - who doesn't want you dead - found your mate. Id say that deserves at least one smile don't you think?"  Keenan added, making me chuckle.

"Elias has a mate? Send them my condolences" I said glancing up at Elias with a poorly hidden grin. I got a quick glare and an eyeroll in response flashing me a quick sarcastic smile, making me gasp dramatically, "A sense of humour and a good smile. Well aren't you full of surprises" I said lifting my phone up once again. "Smile Elias"  I said which he did, showing off a genuine soft smile.

Alice and Geoffrey both had tears now streaming down their faces, as they flicked through a few of the photos that I had made, there were a few more short videos of Elias talking quietly to Jack who listened to him as if the words coming out of Elias's mouth was gold. "Our baby is alive" Alice cried out, crying into Geoffrey's chest, who had silent tears racing down his cheeks.

I stayed silent, not wanting to impose on their tender moment. fighting back my own tears as I'm a sucker when it comes to these type moments. when ever I see other people cry or show their vulnerable state it makes me tear up slightly.

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