~4. Mom?

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[edited April 18, 2024]

The biggest cliché is to be woken up by birds chirping and warm sunlight, which shines through 'a crack in the curtains'. These are the features, which show you that the main character in a movie or show is starting beautifully into the day. Well, usually I don't like that in films, hence I am lonely I guess, but that is the exact way I woke up a few moments ago. Okay, not exactly. A certain blonde laid next to me. I sounded like my mom, oh lord.

I wasn't not sure if Cate was awake, but I let my fingers slide along her cheek, anyway. Such soft skin.. I never wanted to touch anything else ever again, or look at anyone else than her. Her breathing remained even. Definitely asleep.

"I am lost without you.." I whispered so quiet, I wasn't sure if I only said it in my mind or if those words actually left my lips.

I continued looking at the goddess next to me. A stinging pain apparently appeared in my head, ruining the tenderness of the moment. Fuck, what is that? Then it hit me, I drank quite a lot, yesterday... oh, that meant I'll— Fast I fiddled my body out of the bedsheets and ran towards the bathroom, which was luckily attached to the bedroom. Just as I remembered.

When I reached the door, my stomach turned and I made it on time and puked into the toilet. The hot inside left a burning in my throat and mouth, yet I couldn't stop. A warm hand rubbed along my back and my hair was being hold back.

Damn, I woke her up.

In between vomiting and stringing words together to apologize, Cate insisted and told me it would be fine that I didn't wake her up. That made me feel a lot better, but on the other hand, who would like to hold someone's hair back, while that person pukes all its guts out? Not a lot of people, actually don't mind.

It must have lasted minutes, but I could not actually tell. Cate went to get me a glass of water, while I sat on the bathroom floor, my head and arms resting on the toilet seat. Must be a lovely sight. Smelled definitely otherwise...

"There you go." She passed me the glass and some pills, I guess painkillers for my head. Gladly I took the pills and swallowed them with the liquid, within a few seconds.

"Thanks. And sorry again." I apologized, while getting up from the ground. The blonde noticed I struggled a little, so she guided me to sit down on her bed.

So, what a nice start into the day, eh? Right, thought so. Despite the puking session of mine earlier, the morning was indeed considerably nice, because Cate has been there every moment. The best part was not the breakfast we shared together, it was that I got to wear Cate's clothes, thus mine were still dirty. I told her, I will give them back, once we see each other again, she only replied with a "No need to stress." And honesty, I don't know what to think. Did Cate mean, don't stress we will figure out when we next see each other, or a don't stress, because I don't like the clothes anyway and I wouldn't mind never seeing you again? Yeah, or whatever was between these two. So, then there was this awkward goodbye, where we hugged each other, not knowing for how long and then she waited for me to get off her property, to go back inside.

The whole drive home I thought about the morning and what I did wrong and how to interpret things that happened. Half an hour later, I arrived at my mom's house again, where I pulled onto the property and parked the car.

"Your favorite child is back home!" I yelled as I closed the door behind me and took my shoes off.

"Yeah, my favourite? I don't know bout that." She turned around the corner and leaned against the wall nearest to her.

"Listen, I am sorry.. I saw this woman sitting in the coffee shop, crying. No one approached her so I did. Turns out it was Cate and I ended up bringing her home, she seemed sad in some way to be alone in her house, so I got inside and we drank and ate and we talked.." I told my mom as I rubbed my hand around the other wrist.

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