~28. Birthdays and surprises? ;)~

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Tw: trauma(sexual assault)

I woke up from a relatively good rest, when sunlight shone down onto my skin and the warmth was absorbed. It's a delightful feeling. My body and mind seem to got rest and it's the first time, since the hostage and hospital that I was able to sleep through. Cate has been the helping hand in that. I hadn't felt complete nor safe in the hospital, however there was no opportunity for me to show that, hence I was the only one Dashiel had left. I wanted to stay strong for him and now it's my turn to be vulnerable. My arms tightened around what they are wrapped around and I'm surprised to feel a pillow instead of Cate's body.

Well, now my morning isn't too nice anymore.

Suddenly, the mattress digs in near my left side and Cate's breathing reached my ears. Butterfly soft kisses are planted in a line from my collarbone, up to my lips, where I return the kisses. At the contact of her lips, I slightly moan into her mouth. It has been or more felt like an eternity, since our last passionate kiss.

Her hands found themselves on either side of my face, whilst she pulled me further into the kiss. Slowly she pulled away and we share the first eye contact this morning.

"Happy birthday, my love." Cate smiled and so do I.

"Thank you." I bit my lower lip and flashed a smile.

Then I pulled her face down onto mine and kissed her lips, while I was still smiling like a honey cake.

The kiss quickly grew heated and before I could do a single thing, Cate straddled my lap and began to suck on my neck. She found my sweet spot fast and I hitched a breath.
For a brief second I was back on the couch and Tomas on top of me. My eyes shot open and Cate was there and not Tomas.

A slim smile appeared on my face and a small moan slipped out of my mouth, at the sight and touch of the woman. My hands flung into the blonde locks and my eyes fall close again.

Her hands slipped down to my chest, same did her mouth.

Tomas disgusting tongue flicks over my skin and my breathing quickened. I let my hands loosely fall next to my body to prevent another chocking attack.

It'll be over if I don't move. It's going to be over soon.

The man stopped and I don't dare to open my eyes. I should just wait till he's gone.

"Open your eyes, love." Spoke my comfort person and I was back with her in bed, by day light and warmth. "It's me love. Hey, it's me." Cate cupped my face and I stare straight into her soft face, while breathing shakily.

"Sorry. I'm sorry." I whimpered quietly under my breath.

"It is okay, my love. It's okay, shh." Her gentle hands soothed me and evened my breathing to it's regular pace again.

Cate wrapped her arms around me and pulled my body into hers.

"Shhshh, I'm here, darling. It's okay. It's okay." Cooed Cate into my ear and at the soothing words and gestures, I'm able to relax.

A few moments we stay like this, in each other's embrace, until she took notice of my calmer state and pulled slowly away.
Our eyes meet for a brief second, though I pull my gaze quickly off her again. Heat spreads over my face, at the embarrassment I am feeling.

Why would I think about how Tomas laid his hands on me, while I'm with someone I would love to share intimacy with? I feel disgusting and dirty and guilty, for that moment in the house.

"It's alright. No need for shame. Do you want to continue?" Cate questioned, but it wasn't meant in a sexual way, more like she wanted to know if I am ready or even willing to proceed.

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