~29. Emotions

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Possible tw: talking of scars

The next morning I woke up pretty early, if you're looking at the fact that I was drinking the previous day and god knows when I went to bed.

As I looked to my side, my eyes land on the sleeping beauty next to me. It's weird how I tend to grin to myself, when I see her.

With my left hand I carfully reach for the strand of hair in Cate's face, when my eyes catch the ring on my finger and a warm feeling spreads immediately inside of me, whilst the smile on my face widened.
I can't quite imagine how quickly all of this happened, but other then usual, I don't regret it. We haven't been in a relationship for too long, but I know that I love her dearly and deeply. She is the only one I can imagine my future with.

Carful, not to wake up the blonde, I tucked the hair behind her ear and left the bed. It is still annoying me so much, that my knee isn't functioning properly. Sure, it is not my fault, even though I could have prevented the first stab, by staying where Tomas demanded me to, but it was worth a try, anyway I can't wait to see the doc again in two and a half weeks. Cause they will remove the stitches, however that does not mean I can do whatever I want as I used to. After that part I stopped listening to doctor Shepherd, maybe I should have heard it..

Anyway, I need to pee. Slowly I scooped off the edge of the bed and limped into the bathroom.

At least I am able to pee on my own by now and god I am so happy that Cate and Dashiel are doing okay. Yesterday, they both basically couldn't stop smiling and that was my greatest gift.

Quickly, I brushed my teeth and did the whole ass routine in the bathroom, before leaving it and walking back into the bedroom, where Cate is still fast asleep to my surprise.

I got changed, with some effort and closed the door quietly behind me, before limping into the living room.

I think I should make breakfast for them all, as a little thank you at least. My mind wandered, but I was interrupted when I catch someone sitting on the couch. Is that Evan?

"Morning, fellow." He jokingly greeted me.

"Why are you still here?" I asked confused.

I thought they all left afterwards? My mom and Angelina did leave and Mark and Finn went to their hotel, guess what they are in a relationship and both say they couldn't be more lucky. Maybe I should do the shipping thing professional, now that I am successful. Jokes. And Lily left too.

"Don't you wanna have me here?" He laughed and I limped closer to the couch.

"Never, you know that." I chuckled, while sitting down next to him.

"Sarah practically forced me to stay, cause we three will go and search a dress." I frowned at the man.

He does know, that Cate and I are engaged and this whole thing will work this quickly, right?

"For the Emmy's?" Evan rose his brows and now I understood too what he meant.

"Right. But I'm not sure if I can even attend them, you know. Walking is pretty difficult at times and if they ask questions, I won't answer them, which will lead to more questions and less privacy." I explained and my excitement for the event faded with every word that left my mouth.

I like wearing nice things and I enjoy those kind of events, at least if they are not too long and only if I have my mates with me, however it's going to be exhausting to limp unnoticed. Maybe, if Cate is there, I'll make it though, even limping

"I get you, but Sarah will be there and Cate too. You won't be alone and I just want to see you win, cause you will. I know you will win." He wiggled his brows and I laughed out loud.

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