~44. Stop lecturing!~

467 19 5

Tw: talking of a disease...

*Gillian's POV*

Gosh this headache...
I heard the door closing and steps approached me. The brunette walked into my view. Brunette hair flowed in her turn. Her face looked worried. Wrinkles formed on her forehead, as she frowned.

I exhaled and spoke, after rolling my eyes: "Don't make that face, now."

"How couldn't I? Bea was so upset and worried that you hated the news!" The woman lectured me, which made me snap.

"Stop lecturing me! Do you think it was easy for me? No! It broke my heart to hear the news and to watch her own heart breaking at my reaction!" I pointed out.

"I told her you loved the fact she is pregnant! I lied then?" Angelina expected me to say no and to tell her I am in fact the biggest fan of the news, though I couldn't.

This is torture.

A groan left my mouth, "Of course I hate it! My daughter is pregnant and I won't live long enough to meet my other grandchild!"

"Stop this, right now! Gillian, don't say that! The doctor said-" I interrupted.

"I know very well what he said!"

"Then stop behaving like there is no hope at all." Angelina said frowning.

"I am the one with the deadly disease!" I spit out and my eyes became watery.

The brunette stood speechless in front of me. Her face blank.

"I-" She stuttered and tears rolled down her cheeks. The water drops seemed to want to race with one another. More opponents joined in.

I, myself, could not bear to hold my tears back anymore. "I'm so sorry, love."

Angelina flung her arms around me and so did I. She sobbed into my shoulder, whilst I tried hard to maintain quiet.

The last thing I wanted was to upset her. I already did a great job with my daughter. There was no need to fuck everything with my girlfriend up. She was here all the time and supported me.

Arm in arm, we sat down on the sofa.

"How was the day with her?" I sniffed.

I felt Angelina smiling into my hair, "Very nice. Bea is the most amazing daughter one could wish for, you know that right, Gilly?"

I nodded, "Of course I do."

"Well, she and Cate cuddled for a while outside and..." She stopped.

"What is it?"

"Bea's bump is visible. You really missed out on that." She sighed.

"I know... I really can't get attached to that. It will be horrible for everyone if I am too attached to the baby or her pregnancy. You know I am everything she has left. David was never there. When Bea learned to ride the bike, I was by her side. It will break her, if I tell her about.. me." I explained tiredly.

There was silence for a while. Only our breathing filled the room with noises.

The woman parted her lips, "There's no way you can't tell her, you know that right?"

"It's my decision and I won't tell her, until it really is required." I said.

It took a few moments, before the woman parted her lips again.

Angelina sighed, "And I will respect your decision, even through I think it's the wrong one."

From all the time I have known her, I know this took her a lot of willpower to say. She isn't a woman to easily put in place and I really love that about her, however I need Angelina's support in my decision right now. I need her to stick with me and to be by my side... yet on the other hand, I don't want her to feel forced to stay with me.

"Do you really want to stay with me? Cause if you want to leave-" I was cut of by the woman in my arms.

"I want to stay with you and I will be here all the way. I won't leave you and please don't talk like you're going to die... there is still hope."

"I love your optimism, Ange." I kissed her cheek.

"Everything for you, beautiful."


I'm sorry in advance

The chapter is like really short, but there's like no better way I could think of right now to put this.

By the way has anyone of you watched 'the wheel of time'? Cuz I have and I absolutely adore Moiraine. So... I might have an idea of a short fanfiction:)


Stay healthy and kind<3

Sending lots of love:3


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