~39. Positivity.~

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Honestly time flies by too fast sometimes. It's literally crazy! It felt like yesterday, that I had first met Dash and now? Now the boy is going to school! He's going to school for the first time. How come that I am more excited about this, than he is?

I hold Dash's hand until he came to a stop. "Do you think I will find friends?" He suddenly asked.

I lowered my body, whilst I kneeled down to be somewhat on his height. "I know it. You will find friends. You always do, buddy. Now better get going, or you'll be late." He smiled brightly.

"Okay mama. See you later and you too mommy!" Dash voiced and placed his hand for a brief second on my lower abdomen, before running off into the building.

What was that about?

Cate helped me up form the ground and smiled, "Shall we go?" I nodded and soon we sat in the car again.

There again is the evidence for the by flying time! Jesus.

The woman placed her hand on my thigh and I glimpse over for a second, smiling at her.

"What put you in a good mood?" A blonde lock fell into her face, as she smiled.

"I'm not sure, but I'm still in disbelief that Dash has his first day of school!"

It really is exciting, but that couldn't possibly be the only reason. It's weird I've been feeling since a week really energetic and overly motivated. As if I could run a marathon. As if. No of course I could not and would not run. I freaking hate it.

"You're glowing." She stroke her pointer finger along my cheek.

It felt comforting, as always.

"It's sweat, Cate." I chuckled.

"That's not what I mean! You seem even more motivated and joyful." So, she noticed it too?

"I felt like that too once," Cate started. "I was pregnant."

She did what?! I mean, we've tried it twice these past months, but it didn't work. None of it worked. I swallowed vitamins and I received kind of a lot of injections. My hormones were going crazy and Cate and I said, we'd continue on trying, but under the condition of taking less of these whole hormones and stuff, cause it made me sick. -not really sick, but somehow it did? I was stressed and it felt weird.

"Sweetheart, I didn't want to startle you. I only wanted to say I felt the same." She rubbed my thigh gently, not wanting to make me uncomfortable.

My period hasn't come yet. When was the last time anyway? Fuck me-

"You didn't startle me. I just... we should head home." I breathed out.

"To take a test?" I nodded.


No way.

My eyes are glued to the two red lines. Positive.

"It's positive." I breathed out shocked.

Everything goes so fast. There are two lines. Two!

"Sweetheart? Is everything alright in there? Can I come in?" Cate's voice called out from outside the bathroom.

Could this really be?

"Sweetheart?" She called out for me again, before slowly opening the door and peaking her blonde locks through the gap.

"What does it say?"

"It's positive." It came out barely a whisper, as I stare blankly into the woman's face.

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