~27. Sarah and California.~

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Tw: trauma?

"Cate, do you need help?" My voice echoed through the hospital room.

It's been some rough two days. Remember, when we all went to see Cate couple of days ago? Yeah, well she was not in any kind of state to talk. I was incredibly relieved that she started talking to me last night. This has truly been a gift. Her voice...

It was when I woke up from my anesthesia, because I had the surgery on my knee. The first thing I recognized were her eyes, that stared directly into mine. This feeling was pure joy. Nearly as if all my worries were gone and nothing seemed impossible anymore, only because I had her back.
Her quiet "love, it's me." Made a warm feeling spread inside my whole body.
That was the first time Cate addressed someone specifically.

"You know, I should be the one asking you that, right?" The blonde chuckled and stepped outside the bathroom, with her blow dried hair.

"Well, I think that is not true." I smiled and rolled closer to her in my wheelchair.

"And Sarah brings Dash back, when they finished eating breakfast?" She asked and once again I see the worry written all over her face.

Gently, I took her hand and squeezed it.

"Yes. They will be back in no time." I assured the beautiful woman in front of me and she nodded, still worried.

"I'm so sorry I didn't help you these days. You shouldn't have been the one telling Dashiel about his father. It's not been fair." Cate placed her hands on either side of my face and caressed my cheeks with her thumbs.

I leaned into the kind gesture and let her warm touch soothe me.

"You weren't ready." I whispered.

"Ready to leave?" She asked and I nodded. "I can't wait." I replied.

Around half an hour later, Cate and I were interrupted talking by Sarah and Dash, who came back from their breakfast.

Dash remains happier since Cate is on her way to get back to her old self. He needs her. She's everything he has left, if you can say that. Of course I'm here too, but Dash knows me only for a couple of weeks and I am nothing compared to Cate. I love this boy with my whole heart and that he calls me 'mama' is the most beautiful thing ever.

Even though doctor Shepherd told me specifically that I should prevent flying, I decided to do it still. Well, not only I made the decision. Sarah invited us all over. I don't think it's only because of the Emmy's, but as well, because she's scared I might die for real or maybe my mom forced Sarah to do all of this? Whatever it was, I am glad to get out of this town and hospital and just here.

To make it a little shorter: we are on our way to California. Well, right now we all say our goodbyes to my mom and even Angelina.
We stand, well the others stand and I sit, in the middle of a crowd of people and my mom's arms are tightly wrapped around me, as if she doesn't wants me to leave.

"Mom, we see each other tomorrow. It's just one day." I chuckle and her arms tightened once more.

"But I'll miss you so much!" She pouted, as she pulled back.

"And I'll miss you too." I smile. "But we need to go."

The goodbye has never been my favourite thing. Class trips were nice, I mean you get to spend time with people, away from home, but saying goodbye to your mom is not nice. It was often hard on me to do that. To leave my mom. The first time I went on a class trip, which was in third grade, I think, I cried horribly. My teacher, comforted me and I never really left her side. She was like a comfort person to me ever since.
Then I left the school and never really found that sort of comfort within a person again. But then I met Cate. My role in Carol, made me grew closer with Cate. I never thought I would be able to meet someone as kindhearted and loving and pure and funny as her. She really lighted up my life. And that I can share my life with this woman, fills me with joy.

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