~37. Family and Presents.~

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When I came home from a bad day at school, my mom always tried her best to make me feel loved, which is why we usually ended up on watching movies and eating popcorn on the couch. It helped. I didn't make me forget what happened, but it showed me how much luck I had and still have with my mom.

So, after the incident with David today, it's what we do. We are all sitting in the living room, watching Frozen and eating popcorn. I'm laying in between Cate's legs, my back rests on her stomach, whilst my head lays comfortable on her chest. She plays with strands of my hair, which is something she has always done and I'm gonna love it forever. Dash leaned into her side and I can't help but think he is incredibly sad now, because of what David had said about his reading skills.

"Dash, you know what David said wasn't true, right?" I whispered over to him, which made his eyes twitch to me.

"But I can't read..." He sighed.

"You will read perfectly fluent one day and don't let people get to you like that. David only tried to make everyone feel bad, cause he felt bad too." I explained.

The boy's brown eyes softened at my words, "You think he feels bad?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I think so, but the important thing is that you know how talented you are. I saw you writing and I heard you reading a while ago already. You're doing an amazing job."

The biggest smile fell onto his mouth, "Really?!" He squealed in excitement.

"Really." I stated and relaxed further at the touch of Cate's fingertips roaming my skull. "In fact, better than me at your age."

"You are lovely." The woman whispered in awe.

There was no need to say anything, cause I turned around in her arms and placed a soft kiss onto her smooth, rosy lips. They are like honey. Like the healing to my injury. The key to my lock.

Our eyes met, after I pulled away and there's this sparkle within them again, which I adore so much. The comfort I find in her ocean blue eyes is incredible. But not only her eyes amaze me. Every tiny wrinkle and freckle looks so perfectly placed on her face. As if the artist knew exactly where to put lines and details. The smooth hair on her cheeks. It's mesmerizing to only ever let my eyes wander across her face, they seem to find new details every now and then.

"I'm really sorry for what David-" I started but Cate placed a finger over my lips and made me shut up.

"You are not responsible for what he said and you do not have to apologize for him." She breathed out in the calmest and truest way possible.

There's always a meaning behind her words and its so cute and wise. I'm in love with it.

"Did you hear me?" She asked in a raspy voice, making sure I was listening to her words.

Nodding slowly I lowered my head on her chest once more. The pounding of her beating heart brought me to peace. A gentle hand tangled itself into my hair and played with it comfortingly.

The film went by and eventually came to an end. Most of us didn't really pay attention, yet there was Dashiel, who watched closely to every detail. I just rested my head and actually my whole body on top of Cate, while I watched Dash or my mom and Angelina. The two are cuddled into each other's arms and it's really sweet to look at. My mom is being held by the brunette. Somehow it is an oddly comforting thing to see my mom like this. Happy.

I was caught starring, when a pair of green eyes gazed at me. A soft smile beamed onto her lips.

"You called me your mom?" Angelina spoke in a cute voice, almost asking if I meant it.

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