~32. I can breathe again.~

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Tw: talk of past trauma etc.; smut :)

Trees pass by, while I take a glimpse out of the car window onto the view outside. Rhiannon, by Fleetwood Mac, plays softly in the background, while Cate drives through the streets of California. Her hand caresses my thigh in a calming way.

I glanced at the other woman and spoke without feeling ashamed or uncomfortable, "I'm nervous."

My honestness caught her seemingly by surprise.

"So am I, my darling, but it's gonna be fine and dr. Mills is great." Cate assured me.

I don't know if I'm afraid of dr. Mills' way of getting to people. This comforting feeling of kindness or something scares me a little. This woman has just something about her, that makes me open up, which makes me wanna build up my walls even further.

If I'm talking to Cate I'm not afraid, apart from what I told her yesterday, about Tomas, but it wasn't really that I was scared, I didn't want to talk about it.

I love Cate and can talk to her about shit and the world, but this therapist is strange. It's a therapist thing.

"You are nervous too?"

"Course I am. This is new to me too, however, I think we'll feel better after today's session."

I had no clue, she is feeling like I do. The whole talking seemed so easy to her, but it makes sense.

It is just as new to Cate, as it is to me.

"You thought it was easy for me?" A chuckle left her lips.

"Not particularly 'easy', but you seemed so okay with sharing. I didn't know.." I sighed apologetic.

"No, no, it's alright, my love." She smiled and squeezed my thigh.

My hand scooped up to hers and intertwined our fingers. Cheerfully, the blonde rose my hand and planted a kiss on the back of it.

She brought the car to a stop in the parking lot in front of the building, we will soon walk into.


"Not one bit." I sighed.


"First of all, I'm glad you came here, after what happened. Now, would you care to explain what exactly happened?" The brunette asked, as she sat down in her usual chair.

She fiddled with lots of papers on her desk, before joining us.

Should I do the talking part now? It would be fair, cause Cate did it last session, but it's gonna be even harder.

Dr. Mills gazed more towards Cate, probably expecting her to do the speaking part again.

However, I parted my lips, which made both women switch their gazes towards me.

"I had a panic attack, when we were about to have sex." I started.

"What caused the panic?" Dr. Mills questioned and squeezed her eyes a wee bit.

"The man who held us hostage in our house..." Cate grabbed my hand and hold onto it in a comforting manner.

"Tomas?" I nodded and the brunette took a note.


"Maybe we should start from the beginning. What happened the day everything began?"

I looked over at Cate, who gazed at me as well, with the same smug grin.

"We were on a date." Cate spoke and I recalled the amazing day.

Gosh, the phenomenal sex. It was just funny and the sex in the bathroom.. it was strange and awesome.

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