~41. Family time.~

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"Where are the plates?" I called out into the house. Jesus, they really have a beautiful house.

"In the upper cupboard on the left!" My mom yelled from the living room.

Well, I haven't searched there yet. Probably because I can't reach it without climbing onto the counter. Anyway, I guess I won't find any kind of other help to reach the top, apart from the counter.

Carefully I jumped onto it and slowly build myself up. I stretched my arm out and pulled the cabinet open. My eyes fall upon the grey plates. I guess I ask next time where they are, before looking through the whole kitchen. With a plate in my hand, I closed the cabinet again and tried to kneel down.

All of a sudden appeared a voice, nearly frightening me to death.

"Don't climb on there! Have you lost your mind?" Cate squealed next to me and before I even knew it she somehow managed to get me down back onto my feet.

The woman looks slightly disgruntled, "What were you thinking? You could have fallen!"

I swallowed and stuttered, "I... I am sorry."

A weird and uncomfortable aching pulled a the back of my throat. Am I crying?

"I didn't mean to yell. I'm sorry, darling-" Cate apologized and wrapped her arms around my body, pulling me into hers.

Warmth and comfort surrounded me in an instant.

Circling movements followed a rhythm and my crying came very soon to an end. The blonde woman slowly pulled back and took immediately my cheeks in her hands, forcing me to look into her eyes.

"Are you okay?" She whispered worriedly.

I nodded, "Yeah, sorry I don't know where that came from."

"We're just getting a little sensitive recently, that's fine." Cate smiled apologetic. "Can we eat breakfast now?"

I shook my head 'yes' and within the next seconds the both of us joined my mom and Angelina at the table. They are both smiling sweetly at us. This is something I really do love. The closeness, empathy and warmth are so incredibly comforting. It truly is the best atmosphere here, even though I have the slight feeling something is off.

"So what are the big plans for the next months?" I asked into the room, addressing my mom and Angelina.

Both seem a little taken back by that question, as if no one could answer that. A lot was planned then.

Angelina sipped on her water and picked up my question. "A few things. We wanted to travel and just do a whole lot of things."

I nodded, "Like..?"

"France." She smiled.

"I really want to have a mini-vacation there. Like for a weekend, maybe." I bit my lip and glanced at Cate next to me.

"And you? Any plans for the near future?" My mom wiggled with her brows.

"No vacation." I chuckled. "However..." A smile creeped onto my face and I felt Cate's eyes widen. "we are going for the weekend to an event in LA."

The woman's face next to me relaxed. I bet she thought I wanted to tell them about the pregnancy, but I wouldn't do that without talking to Cate about it.

Angelina smiled, "The charity event for children in need?"

Cate nodded her head, "I'll be giving a speech."

"Really? That's amazing."

The small talk continued until we came to an end of the breakfast and it did end very fast. Too fast if you're asking me.

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