~18. Officially unofficial.

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The next morning came early and despite the fact I was no morning person, a smile formed on my lips. Remembering last night, I felt no need to groan in annoyance.

However, at first movement the aftermath of last nights activities hit me full force. I was sore. Very fucking sore.

A small hiss reeked from my lips, yet a tender kiss to the top of my head soothed me. It was somewhat amusing, knowing this still worked. As a child, when I fell from my bike and scratched open my knees all I took to calm the crying mess of a kid I was, was a kiss from mom. When mom came to teh rescue and kissed the pain of the wounds away, it was the first process of healing.

"Good morning, my dove." Cate stroke along my back, the touch earning me to relax into her.

"Morning, beautiful." I opened my eyes and glimpsed up just to see a smiling blonde looking down at me.

"Shall we get up?"

"Do we have to?" A pout formed on my lips and my arm pulled Cate closer to me, feeling the heat between our naked bodies.

"We do, but five more minutes won't do any harm." She chuckled and took a strand of hair of mine and played with it. "Are you feeling safe?"

"What?" My gaze rose, staring straight into those ocean blue eyes.

"Before you fell asleep last night, you told me that you felt like someone was watching and following you, so do you feel safe?" Cate questioned, while playing with the strand of hair in between her fingertips.

"With you I do feel safe, but alone... not always," I confessed.

Did I really tell her about that last night? Strange, but that was my mind in a tired state. I would be asking myself weird things and think about god and the world.

"So, as long as you didn't plan on leaving me, I'll be perfectly fine, Cate." I snickered to joke about it, but I was aware that deep down I'll always be afraid of the idea of Cate leaving.

"Why your luck, 'cause I actually did not think about doing that any time soon." She responded in her suddenly thick Australian accent.

"I'm the luckiest girl, because I got you by my side." A smile spread over both our lips and a second later, they were connected. Just a gentle peck, but a loving one.


"Right?" I giggled.

"Five minutes are over. We should get up, before Dashiel bumps into us, laying naked in bed." Cate shoved me off her chest, before getting out of bed.

My eyes fell onto her back, while she grabbed a robe, to cover up. But before that I took in every inch of her skin. Every line of her muscles, the skin, freckles.

The woman threw her blonde curls over the silk fabric and walked off into the bathroom, where she came out of again with another white silk robe, hanging smoothly in her hand.

Stretching her hands out for me to take them, she approached me. It was such an inviting and gentle gesture, the fluttering in my belly left me blushing. Our hands intertwined and within a second I was seated on the edge of the bed, while Cate wrapped me into the silky robe and assisted me to slip my arms through. Quietly, I hissed.

Even though, I insisted on being carried into the shower, the blonde helped me into the bathroom, where we let the warm shower water rain down onto us.

My head rested in the crook of Cate's neck, while her hands spread the body wash over my back. Up and down. Left to right. Right to left. Circle over circle. Such a smooth feeling.

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