Chapter 2 - Part 1

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"Back with the living, I see," the woman said.

I nodded as I remembered her name was Lauretti. There was no fogginess in my head. I was simply awake.

I glanced at my hand as I sat up and saw my fingers taped together with bandages where the lacerations were. It didn't hurt nearly as much when I lifted it to examine everything more closely.

"I think I've gotten those cactus thorns and such out of you as well," she said. "Elexus is doing well and is in the chamber to heal. We'll get you going in a little bit. John's called your parents, and they're sheltering at a safe house in Austin until we get better eyes on the situation. A drone's in the air, but your attackers seem to be gone."

"Who are they—no, wait. Who are you?"

"I'm Lauretti. A distant cousin of yours. We have met, but you were about three the last time, so I doubt you remember me."

She looked about thirty, so she would've been twelve?

"Why has it been so long?"

She smiled. "I've been away, helping with the family business."

"Which is?" My parents have decent professions but nothing that would afford a thousand-plus acre ranch like this. Uncle John simply claimed he was independently wealthy but was away more than he was here.

"Not yet, but that will be discussed with you and Elexus once you're both healed."

"Because of what happened today?"

"Yes." She had some accent, but I couldn't place it.

"And that was?"

She laughed. "The short answer for now. Our family has enemies. They've recently begun attacks on us in various places. We thought this location was secret. Obviously, it no longer is."

"You said they were trying to take us alive. Why?"

She nodded, serious again. "Ransom, most likely. Might be other things involved, but that's the Occam's Razor answer."


"Yes," she replied, approval in her eyes. "It seems like John's been a bit lax with some of your training. Let's go to the gym and see what you've got."

"Um...okay," and I lifted the sheet to get up, then froze. "Wait. Where are my clothes?"

"They were torn and bloody. I cut them off you so I could examine you better. Let's get to the gym."

"Let me get some shorts on—"

"No. You're coming like that."

"And if I don't?"

She slammed the heel of her hand into my shoulder, knocking me flat on the bed. "Then I'll grab you by an ankle and drag your ass there."

That's unlikely. I'm second dan black belt in Taekwondo, red belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and just got brown in Krav Maga. Still, something in her eyes made me bite my tongue. Instead, I nodded, wondering why this woman would want me naked for whatever was about to happen. What training was I lax in? I was a good shot with pistols and long arms, and had fencing trophies from competing with Épée.

I led the way to the gym, racquetball courts on one side, and the indoor pool on the other. It felt like she was x-raying my back and butt, and I had to fight the urge to cover up with my hands when I turned around.

"So now what—"

I swept my good hand down, blocking while trying to sidestep her back kick. I was partially successful, getting only the ball of her foot in my stomach and not the heel, then threw an upper block as her foot snapped toward my face.

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