Chapter 28 - Part 3

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"You shouldn't stay too close to me right now," Sorina hissed at me. She was cleaning up after lunch, and I wanted to get her alone to say I was sorry. I hoped I wasn't imagining the humor in her eyes.

"He knows you were in my bed the night before," I replied.

"The Lord Protector should never want for female companionship," she hissed back. "You're not taking him to Suata or the Dome, are you?"

"Not planning to," I said.

"Then you'll have me back one side or the other," she said with a smile, curtseyed, and walked off. I groaned. She knew her place was probably only as a mistress, but would be there for me, especially if that would protect Stefan, Mara, and Eliza. I never knew if I was Kevin or Lord Protector Kevin to her, but then I'm not sure she knew completely either. Of course, Sinense wouldn't have been in my bed if I wasn't Lord Protector of Baemardis. She might not even see me as just Kevin. At least Sorina seemed to be able to make the distinction.

After breakfast, I sent three men as runners to Suata to find Lord Boian and request his presence here. That assumed he was at Suata, or maybe they'd run across him on the way.

If so, that would put Boian here sometime tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. Then we could make the final arrangements between him and Ishen and discuss rebuilding the hall. I'd let Boian name it if he needed some incentive to gain a fourth hall. I'd arranged the rebuilding of Floresca Hall to be paid from Regency funds. I could do the same with this after I rescinded the law Reginar had put into place. That assumed it was still in effect. Besides, I'd sent half of our food to Ishen's cave, so we'd need replenishment in a few days.

I'd made most of my camp rounds when I heard raised voices from the north. Not unusual, but I recognized the lisping speech of Ishen even if I couldn't make out the words, so I stepped out to where I could see what was going on.

"Tell me your message," Sir Anders said, "and I'll pass it on to Lord Kevin."

"I am Sir Ishen," he said. "I will deliver it to either Lord Protector Kevin, Lord Nathan, or Lord Reginar. It is imperative." He stood there with two of his Sobecks with spears.

"Let me send someone up to see if Lord Kevin is available." I could hear the smirk in Sir Anders's voice.

"Sir Anders," I called out and started walking forward. "Is there a problem with allowing Sir Ishen into camp to see me?"

"Milord," he said, turning and bowing. "I did not know that we allowed—"

"I know you were here yesterday, in charge of protecting the camp during Sir Ishen's ceremony, but I thought you were aware he was a Sobeck. I'm sure you saw his wife here two nights ago as our guest and perhaps heard that his sister, Maid Tansy, is now a part of Lady Cornelia's retinue as a Maid of Honor."

"Milord, I—"

"These are confusing times, Sir Anders. I understand this. I don't know if you heard that I have given Sir Ishen the lands here along with his title. I was going to discuss with Lord Boian which cavaliers might give fealty to Sir Ishen and serve him, and if you're interested, I can recommend you. Granted, it will be a few months before the hall can be built, so you will have to garrison in tents unless Sir Ishen has some other place for you and your contingent to stay."

"I have a place they can use, Milord," Sir Ishen said, trying to hide his smile.

"Milord," Sir Anders replied. "I am happy with my current assignment."

"I'm glad, but understand that this assignment is almost over. We've killed most of the Sobecks, and many of the remainder have become our allies and sworn fealty to Baemardis and the Realm. By necessity, new assignments will have to be made."

"Y-Yes, Milord."

"Sir Ishen, you needed to see me? Let him pass."

He trotted to me, bowed, then followed me to my tent. Nathan and Sinense followed us in while his men waited outside.

"What is your message?"

He glanced at Nathan and Sinense before setting his gaze back on me. "Orvin is coming. He's probably crossing the river on his way here."

"To your caves or here?"

"From his route, probably here."

Nathan jerked. "He knows where we're at?"

"The smoke from your fires gives you away even if he had no spies. Half of my men are readying to fight for you, Lord Kevin."

"No," Sinense said. "That can't happen."

"Why not?" I wasn't sure if Nathan or I said that first.

"If I shoot an arrow, how will I tell friend from foe? What keeps me from shooting one of Sir Ishen's men instead of Orvin's?"

Silence answered her question. I finally spoke before it went too long.

"She's right, Sir Ishen. Keep your people away. Maybe once we've developed some livery for them, but not now. Keep them guarding your caves. Send your men to tell them that."

"I will stay here and fight for you, Milord."

"Fine. Stick close to me but keep your people away. How long until they get here?"

"Thirty minutes at the earliest, but maybe longer. He does not tend to wait long once he's set to do battle."

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