Chapter 5 - Part 3

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After we broke our fast from Boian's stores, the next argument began.

"Maid Elexus, I can't ride while you walk. You should ride while I lead."

"That saddle looks uncomfortable."

"True, though it is the only saddle we have. When we get to more civilized climes, I can procure more steeds and saddles, but for now...."

"I think I can manage it. I just haven't ridden much this summer and don't relish sore thighs. I'll swap out with Kevin." She swung into the high-backed saddle. "Hey, this is comfier than it looks. Kevin, hand me Oana."

I saw Lord Boian about to say something, then close his mouth and shake his head, so I hoisted Oana up. Oana looked both scared and thrilled from her perch in front of Ellie. I reached for the reins, but Lord Boian snatched them away and started leading the horse out of the opening, grumbling under his breath like he'd gotten up on the wrong side of the tower this morning.

After several minutes leading the horse, Lord Boian moved next to me and spoke softly.

"Lord Kevin, Maid Elexus mounted my steed like a man. How does she do this so easily? And her skirts are divided."

I held back a chuckle. "Back home, both men and women ride astride, though back in history, there were times when women were forced to ride side-saddle. They thought it could harm a woman somehow—"

"I can hear you two, you know," Ellie yelled, "and the idiots back then thought wrong. Lord Boian, definitely get a couple more horses. This style of saddle is strange, but it definitely keeps you sitting. It's kind of like the Mongol saddles, Kevin, where they could shoot easily with their bows."

"You said to be alert at breakfast," I said to Lord Boian, cutting off whatever he was about to say. "Were you talking about the terrain in general, or are there enemies out here?"

"There are enemies, of course. Have you none where you come from?"

"We do, but hopefully of a different sort than out here. I wouldn't want to fight those with these weapons."

"What do you mean?" Lord Boian had suddenly come alert.

"Never mind," I said quickly. "We're here, so we don't have to deal with those. Who are our enemies here?"

Lord Boian paused and took a breath before answering. Between what Ellie and I had just said, he had a load of questions. We really needed to guard our words more.

"There are bandits, of course. Most are of the urchin's ilk who would waylay travelers, but we're well enough armed that most will steer clear of us. Then there are also the cursed Sobecks." At my blank look, his brows furrowed. "They say that a sorcerer of old by that name combined people with wolves and created them to create an army. They retain some human intelligence...wear some clothing, use weapons, and build dens out of rock and skins. They walk like we do but have clawed hands and feet, and their faces look like short wolf muzzles. Their bodies are covered with fur. They live farther north but sometimes come south to hunt. You have none like this in your lands?"

I shook my head. "Maybe something a little similar in myth and legends, but nothing living, though we do have wolves and coyotes."

"And dogs," Ellie added.

"Oh yes, we have all of those," he laughed. "None of those are a bother. The Sobeck is another thing. They are pack hunters using spears and axes...and their maw. They'll rip your throat out, given a chance."

"Maybe you should get your bow out, Kevin."

I nodded and saw Lord Boian's confusion.


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