Chapter 10 - Part 2

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"Kevin, Sorina is missing." That came as the door to my room banged open, Ellie standing there, out of breath.

"Maid Elexus," Sir Filip said. "This is inappropriate."

"Screw inappropriate. She's gone. Not in the building that we can find. I'm scared for her."

I slipped my shirt on. I'd been lounging, talking with my cavalier, squire, and page, just trying to get a better feel for everything. Stefan pulled his tunic on, Adrian reaching for his and winced with the effort.

"Just stop," Ellie said to Adrian, grabbing for his top. "Let's get this on you so you won't be too embarrassed to talk. Sheesh. Those are nasty bruises."

"So what about Sorina?"

"She's been so upset today...and hurting. She thinks those slashes mean nobody will ever want her."

"She's the one who got her chest mauled?" Sir Filip gave a dubious look when I nodded.

"Listen, Sir Filip," I said, my voice going low. His look had pissed me off. "Maid Sorina killed a Sobeck single-handed with a dagger to save Maid Mara. She took those wounds to her chest as its dying blow. She is more woman than most of what I've seen here, so I don't want anything bad said about her. Understand?"

He nodded and bowed. "I understand, Milord. We will find her."

I turned my attention back to Ellie. "How's Mara?"

"Her headaches are less. She wants to look for her, but I'm not sure.

"Adrian. You and Stefan get Mara, and the three of you look nearby. Don't go very far, and if Mara starts looking bad, or any of you, come back immediately. Filip, you know this area better. Once you get these younger ones started, patrol out farther."

"We don't want this to be common knowledge," Sir Filip said, "if she's run away. It could be embarrassing for her family, depending on the circumstances."

"Sir Filip," Ellie said. "I'm more concerned that we'll find her face-down somewhere where she's passed out or done something stupid. She wasn't acting like herself this morning. We need to move."

"As you wish," he replied and beckoned the boys to come.

I followed Ellie out.

Adrian came up to me. "She likes being outside, and her father's holdings are out of town."

"So, the quickest way out of town?"

"South would be the best way to check," he replied.

"She's weak from her wounds and only in a robe, I think," Ellie continued. "I don't know if she ran away or was kidnapped. Maybe she stepped out, and someone grabbed her." Ellie stepped out of the building and started jogging south, favoring her hurt foot. I belted on my sword belt as we jogged.

"She probably found some hidden spot in the manor house to have a good cry," I said.

"Lady Delia turned the house upside-down before I even bothered you. That's what I'd hoped. Her son, Bogdan, said he saw someone like her go this way, but he's four, so I don't know. We have to find her, Kevin. I can't lose her, too."

I felt that, too. None of the wounded was entirely out of danger. Infection could still kill. Stupid stunts like going out like this could do the same. What was Sorina thinking, or was this even of her doing?

It wasn't far to the scrub, and we stopped and surveyed it. A ridge due south with deep ravines left and right.

Ellie looked at me. "Which way?"

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