Chapter 15 - Part 4

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I had no clue. Over the next several days, Nicoleta continued with her professional politeness as expected of the Regent's wife. Not even any cutting remarks when Ellie's mouth got the better of her. Even Lady Lavinia had tempered her desire for conformity, giving Ellie more freedom to treat her maids as she saw fit. I wasn't sure if they were trying to understand her more, respecting the Realms since Uncle John and Lauretti might show up any time, or simply giving Ellie enough rope to hang herself.

Emil and Bogdan both had plans to leave within the next couple of days. Bogdan, however, had business at court, and we were about to hear the details.

Like the week before, Ellie and I took our places slightly behind and to the sides of the Regent and his wife. The case was between Lord Bogdan, Burgrave of Crisan, and the Burgrave of the western lands of Panait, Lord Marian.

Lord Marian had sent contingents to aid in Bogdan's fight. As such, he captured a copper mine just within Bogdan's lands and wished to keep it as spoils with the understanding that he would continue his aid without any other requests.

It was more amiable than I'd expected. Marian and Bogdan joked, each with a flagon of beer in hand. Lord Bogdan agreed, and the discussion centered on how to redraw the border between the two lands. It was something the Regent had to determine.

Grigore and Nicoleta were in whispered discussions when a tramp of boots sounded from down the hall.

Three men strode quickly from the front part of the hall, already passing the Golden Scroll statue. They seemed dressed as befitted lords, though not in the current style of the court.

Lords Bogdan and Marian both turned at the sound and watched as they approached, one man in front and the other two spread out slightly behind him. They seemed slightly older than me. All three genuflected somewhat awkwardly.

"Milord, I apologize for the interruption, but I bring urgent news from the bush."

From the bush? I recognized that accent.

"Continue," Grigore said as I exchanged a puzzled glance with Ellie and missed him drawing his saber.

The man rose, swinging his blade across Grigore's face, came back to en garde, then lunged, striking the Regent squarely in the chest, Grigore's hands still rising toward his face.

A noise of many yells came from the far end of the hall. I felt pinned in place, trying to move. This couldn't be happening. Not here.

I finally stood as he turned, slashing Nicoleta, blood spraying from her throat. The other two men had taken down Bogdan and Marian, or rather, the Lords were in the process of falling. Everything seemed to slow down.

My rapier was out as he came to me, a smile on his face, a white cloth hood tightly fitting his head.

"Well then, en garde, mate."

I parried his thrust, reaching out with my left hand for my dagger. His smile faltered a moment when I brought it up, blocking his slashing attack with my long blade, then stepping forward, forcing him to retreat.

Ellie's bow twanged, but he didn't react, so the arrow must've gone to one of the others.

He thrust again. I caught his blade on mine, deflecting it and riposting into his bicep.

His shirt sleeve sliced away, but my blade slid off his white undershirt. He smiled as he disengaged, saluting me.

"That shoulda worked, but you're stonkered, mate."

"They're wearing armor," Ellie screamed, her bow sounding again. One attacker fell. An explosion rattled everything, coming someplace well toward the front of the hall, then a second. The other one threw a white, heavy ball back toward the front.

My moment of distraction allowed him to slash my side. His saber sliced through my vest and shirt but not my armor. Ellie's bow twanged again, and the second guy fell, an arrow in his face. It was my turn to smile and salute as surprise replaced his smugness.

"You're fucked, dude," I began, beginning a series of attacks. "Both of your mates are down, and you're about to be, too." Another explosion sounded, and I dropped my blade slightly.

He obliged with a slice to my head. I parried up and around, stepping forward. A feint with my dagger, and he was in place. Another step and my heel crunched his nose. He fell and didn't move.

More explosions echoed, and my ears rang. My opponent lay there, his vest lying open, over a half-dozen white spheres hanging inside. Grenades...they had to be.

There weren't any more explosions. Ellie kicked his saber from his hand while watching for more attackers. I could hear faint yelling and cries as the ringing began to fade.

Adrian and Filip were next to me.

"I need him alive," I gasped, "to question. Take him...." I looked around, then pointed out a back door where a little outdoor garden was. "Out there, on the table. He has mine, but white. Get his vest off. Those balls are what were causing the explosions. Don't touch them."

Filip and Adrian hoisted him up and dragged him toward the door. He began to stir, so I drove the basket hilt of my blade into his forehead. At least that didn't have armor.

"What now?" Ellie yelled.

"Get a guard on those two. Don't let anyone touch them, especially not the grenades. Get some triage going and whatever else. I need to question this guy. I think he's Australian."

"Are they Realm?"

"I don't know," I said. "Their armor's different. White, not clear, but they're not local, or not Baemardis, or...I don't know, but I'm going to find out. Get someone to be in charge." I surveyed the carnage. Grigori and Nicoleta lay very bloodily dead, the two Burgraves a bit more tidily. I could see people writhing in pain in the distance, others lying still, and others pouring in to help.

Ellie started yelling orders to the nearest newcomers, so I turned to follow my men and wondered what I'd have to do to get information out of this 'mate.'

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