Chapter 17 - Part 3

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"I should be there in two or three days with a small group," Lauretti said.

Sorina, Oana, and I ate southwestern omelets with bacon and hashbrowns. I wondered if Lauretti would pull me to the side for a private conversation or if this was the briefing. I was enjoying the taste of green chiles in the omelet a bit too much to worry about much. It reminded me of visits to cousins in New Mexico in past years.

"Who will be with you?"

She smiled. "Not your parents, if that's what you were hoping. They're in Switzerland, starting work with a think tank in Geneva under new names and credentials. I've got someone else handling that and who my retinue will be. Besides, you should be thinking about a replacement squire."

I dropped my eyes to my plate. Someone new to bring to their death.

"I hadn't been looking," I said to my plate. The omelet didn't look appetizing now.

Sorina found my hand and squeezed it.

"Well, you need to, before they assign you some pretty boy or spy to see your inner workings and try to influence you."

"Like they hadn't already, though most of those people are dead, too." I took a slow breath. Tears were trying to work their way forward.

"Look. John and I were stupid, okay. We thought nothing had changed at Baemardis. We hadn't kept up for way too long. The Burgrave at Lantana Tower should've welcomed you and taken you to Baemardis, treading on flower petals all the way. That didn't happen at all, and it's all our fault. At this point, we've all got to live with that and move on. At least you and Allie are still alive. We need to get Baemardis back to some semblance of a status quo. My attempts to move it forward seem to have been crushed, and the Regent even went backward after an insurrection where he confiscated all the bows and arrows because the extra training of the populace with those almost cost him his life. It probably should have. He seemed to be a good choice at the time, but possibly the power went to his head. At least from what I've heard, you have some allies to put those advancements in education and training back into play." I looked up in time to see her smile at Oana.

Oana beamed. "I'm Guttersnipe. I listen and hear everything."

"Just keep your clothes on while you listen," I replied. She'd already tried to pull her dress off to show me how her wounds had healed and was disappointed when I told her I'd already seen them.

Lauretti laughed. "Children and servants. Remember that they hear a lot more than you think they do."

Sorina let go of my hand. "Lady Lauretti, do you really care about us? About Baemardis, or is it just Lord Kevin and Maid Alexis?"

"I care, Sorina, but I have a different perspective than you."

"Of course you do," Sorina said, her voice rising slightly. "We're just one of your many worlds, and you've treated us like an eddy in a stream, swirling but not going anywhere."

Lauretti put her hand up. "You're way too perceptive to have come from an eddy in a stream, Sorina. We put things in place and wanted to let things run their course for a while without interference, but it turned out our Regent was too reactionary, and his son had no backbone to face things head-on. We'll be reestablishing things to try to kick-start you again."

"And then walk away again?" I could hear the anger in her voice.

"No. We've learned from that mistake." Lauretti looked at me, and I felt a catch in my breath as she continued. "The Realm wing will be occupied from now on. Kevin, it would be best if you moved down to the chambers at the far end of your floor. It's larger with more separate rooms and will be more suitable for private meetings with your Burgraves and advisors. Move Allie to the chambers to your left and keep mine available to your right. John can take the end one on the second floor."

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