Chapter 13 - Part 1

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"Lord Kevin, may I speak privately with you once we return to your chambers?"

I was walking back with my ducklings from our lordly meet and greet when Lord Calin asked this. As usual, he seemed nervous. I had a feeling that Lady Lavinia wore the pants in his family.

"Of course," I replied, and we retired to the balcony while the others took care of their evening ablutions, as Boian called them. There was a much more utilitarian composting toilet tucked away in the outer chamber, so I assumed that was a part of it, but I didn't stay to find out. I sat, then found I had to invite Calin to sit as well to keep him from pacing.

"Lady Lavinia fears she has upset Maid Elexus of the Realm." He emphasized the 'Realm' part, so I was sure that was the only thing that brought fear to his wife.

"And my sister is afraid she upset your wife. Let's say that it wasn't a good start. How do we make this better?"

Calin blinked at me, then smiled. "You've been doing that all night, Milord. Giving your opinion only on little things that don't matter, and passing the big questions to others, then either agreeing or asking further questions. It was impressive for one so young, or are you really that young?"

Whoa. He was definitely more than a hen-pecked lord. I gave my own smile back. "It was a lot more impressive than if I'd attempted to give my opinion on those big questions that I know very little about. I am trying to learn as fast as I can, and I'm worried that it won't be fast enough."

"You seemed decisive enough about the Sobecks when we spoke here earlier."

"I have experience there, and Lord Boian confirmed my thoughts at the time."

"And what about this Maid Sorina? She is still with Maid Elexus despite her injuries. You didn't send her home then, and there are stories that you've given her favor."

I leaned forward, any pretense of a smile gone from my face. "You probably already know that Maid Sorina killed a Sobeck single-handedly and was maimed by it."

He nodded, serious now.

"I understand that it is the practice here to trade out pages and ladies who are injured. Ellie and I believe those injured for our sake should be taken care of and not be released from their duties if they can still perform them."

"Including your stuttering page."

"Definitely. He and Adrian slew the one that sliced his head and bruised Adrian. Of course, I have cracked ribs and a couple of bruises. Maybe I should turn myself out."

I gave a small smile, and he laughed.

"And the stories of your favor?"

"There's an old saying where I'm from that someone you can depend on is someone you can ride the river with. Stefan and Adrian are that, and so are Maids Mara and Sorina. I saw her battle but couldn't get there in time. I'd be happy to have her at my six...I my back. I can trust her to protect me. That puts her head and shoulders above the rest of the female population here."

"That sounds a little presumptuous regarding the other fair maidens here."

I had to laugh at that. "It is. However, it changes you when you see someone charge a full-grown Sobeck knowing she will probably die trying to keep it from dragging off a younger girl. I'm not sure what favor you're talking about. If it involved my kissing Maid Sorina's hand earlier today, I did that on purpose to let all the various lords' daughters know that they had serious competition from a simple cavalier's daughter."

He gave me a broad smile. "I think I understand. Our women should not have to stand in battle, but it does show their mettle." He brought his hands together and gave me a slight bow. "Women have hidden strengths. My wife definitely does, and I have seen that with your esteemed sister, but our problem still stands."

He'd nicely put the ball back in my court, so I needed to kick things off. "Ellie is used to doing things for herself. Dressing and bathing especially. She doesn't want an audience. Maybe one girl to help, like Doina or Sorina." I dropped off their titles on purpose to see if I got a reaction, but there was none, so I continued. "What she said was true, but there was no outer room full of people between her and me. I'm her support, and she's mine right now, so any attempts to stop us from talking privately won't be welcome. Ellie thinks that Lady Lavinia is overbearing. I told her she was only doing her job as she saw it, but if your wife could back down a little and give Ellie some room to breathe, that would be great. You and Lord Boian seem to listen to me more than the Ladies listen to Ellie. It was that way at Bacea as well, and it drove her crazy there too, and let's not even get into the blood and guts of those two battles. She doesn't sleep well, so if she joins me in the middle of the night, that's why."

"And the matter of Maid Oana?"

"She's our companion. She's to sleep with Ellie, though she might try to sneak into my bedroom some nights, and that is okay. If we have a thunderstorm, expect both there."

"I think I do begin to understand, Milord," Lord Calin said. "With your permission, I will take Lady Lavinia to our chambers. I'll allow Lord Boian and Lady Sabina the same opportunity and leave the younger Masters and Maids to tend to your need for the night."

I held back a smile. "I do hope that you and your lady have a wonderful night, and despite appearances, we do appreciate what you are doing for us."

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