➤ Chapter 1 : Among Us

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"Kenny!", you shout running towards Kenma.

Kenma lifted his head, rolled his eyes, and continued what he was doing. "What did I tell you about that nickname? You know I hate it."

"Yeah, but it's cute and it suits you", you say removing your slippers and putting them into your shoe cupboard. "Anyways, how was your day?"

He didn't seem to hear you as he was already busy tapping away, playing games on his phone.

"Kenma. Can't you just have a proper conversation for once?"

"Yes, Y/n. That's great."

You shake your head. He was in a world of his own. You put on your shoes and close the door to your cubby. You put your bag on your back and looked back at Kenma.


"Hmm?", he mumbles.

"Are you going to practice today?"

"No, I think I'm gonna skip. Ready to leave?"

"Ken, you've been skipping practice a lot lately."

As you were in the middle of talking to Kenma, a certain rooster-haired individual walks into the room, interrupting your conversation.

"Oi, Kenma", he says pushing himself between you two.

Kuroo Tetsurō, the school's golden boy. Girls love him, guys want to be him. He's a straight-A student and captain of the Nekoma High Boys' Volleyball Club. Everyone's definition of the perfect guy. Well everyone except for you. You couldn't stand the likes of him and he felt the same way about you.

"I know you see me talking to him."

Kuroo ignored you causing you to get upset.

"I know you can hear me", you say tapping his shoulder. He turns to you with a smirk on his face.



"Leave. We were in the middle of a conversation."

"Someone's being extra bitchy today. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?"

"Did you? Your hair looks worse than usual today", you retort.

Kenma sighed in exasperation, tired of having to put up with you and Kuroo's bickering. This was kind of an everyday thing for him. He hated the fact that two of his closest friends couldn't get along. You've been at each other's throats since middle school. Kenma wanted you two to put aside your differences, even if only for a few minutes.

You try to move to stand at the side of Kenma, but Kuroo shifts in your path as you do.

"Kenma, will you be at practice today? We haven't seen you there in almost a week."

"I'm not feeling too well", Kenma replies. "Maybe tomorrow."

"You should stop hanging around L/n here. She's a bad influence on you."

"You're talking as if I can't hear you."

Completely ignoring your voice, Kuroo continues speaking.

"Come to practice. The team needs you", he says holding Kenma's shoulder before walking away.

"Jerk", you mutter under your breath. "I hate to admit it, but he's right Ken. You shouldn't be skipping practice like this. I know you wouldn't do something if you didn't like it."

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