➤ Chapter 4 : Say Please

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As you entered the school grounds that morning, from the opposite side, you see Kenma and your eyes meet. He stops in his tracks and his face gives a grimace expression before he turns to walk back in the direction he came from.

"Kozume fucking Kenma!", you say speeding towards him.

"Fuck", he curses under his breath.

"I need to talk to you."

"Can you at least be quiet? People are staring and it's making me uneasy."

"Is that the only thing on your mind right now? Why would you convince Kuroo to tutor me? I don't need his help. I'm doing just fine."

"Are you?", Kenma questions with a sly smile.

"That's besides the point. I'm grateful you care about my grades as much as I do, but I swear I'll figure it out."

"Y/n, please. Just take the help. Kuroo agreed to keep things civil if you do."

"There isn't a civil bone in that boy-child's body."

"Well if not for you, do it for me."

You laugh. "Is that supposed to mean something to me?"

"Think of it as a late birthday gift."

"I already gave you your birthday gift. I got you a new Nintendo switch."

"You owed me since you were the one who broke it."

"Okay? But it was a newer model."

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During second and third period, you had a ten minute break which usually you'd spend with Kenma and his friends. Instead, you headed to the school library and tried to get some studying done. Every second counted.

You searched the shelves for a specific book which you were sure your school had. It was a book that went more into details about the concepts you were revising.

I could've sworn I saw it here before...

You look to the highest shelf and there it was. You weren't tall enough to reach it and no one around was really paying you any attention. You had to get the book down yourself, for independence and all. You weren't the type to like asking for help unless from a person you deeply trusted.

Kuroo walks in and leans on the bookshelf next to you making his presence noticed.

"You look stupid jumping up and down to get that damn book."

You ignore him.

"Need any help?"

"Why would I take help from you?" You began jolting the bookshelf in front of you hoping the textbook would fall.

"Now you're just making a fool of yourself", says Kuroo. He reached up with one hand and took the book down with no trouble.

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