➤ Chapter 3 : Conceited

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You ended up changing your mind about asking Kuroo to tutor you. You'd much rather eat dirt than ask him for anything. You wanted to keep your pride. That morning you arrived at school, you saw Kenma sitting on a bench, playing games as usual. You sneak up behind him in attempt to scare him.


He turns around. "Oh, Y/n. Hey." He goes back to playing his game.

"It's impossible to scare you", you say sitting by him. "Classes will be starting soon."

"I doubt anyone would mind if I'm five minutes late. So, have you figured out how to ask Kuroo? Or do I have to do it for you?"

"Actually, I've changed my mind about that. I'm sure I can find someone else to help me before exams start."

"Someone like?", Kenma questions.

"I'm not sure yet, but don't worry. Now come, we can't be late for first period", you say tugging on his arm.

"I wouldn't want to see you repeating a semester, so just take a little longer to think about it."

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The beginning of the day wasn't that eventful. In order to practice some math, you left lunch early and headed to the school's library to practice some math. There weren't many people in there at the time so you could get some peace and quiet.

You sat at an empty table and attempted some problems. You didn't know what you were doing but your answers just didn't seem right to you. It was extremely draining.

Why do I need to know any of this stuff? This isn't gonna help me in the real world.

After a bit longer, you felt as if you were finally starting to understand the concepts.

As you were continuing to attempt problems, you hadn't even noticed Kuroo walking in.

"Well if it isn't L/n. Trying to get your grades up I see."

You look up and your eyes meet his. You then look back down at your paper, ignoring him. He noticed this.

"You're in my spot."

"Excuse me?", you say looking back at him.

"This is my spot. This is where I normally sit when I come here."

"Well I don't see your name on it, so just find another seat."

"You know, I could. But I like this seat, so you should probably be a good girl and get up."

You roll your eyes and sigh in annoyance not listening to what Kuroo was telling you.

His eyes scanned your paper for a few seconds. "All four of those are wrong."

"Don't you think I know that?", you say without looking at him. You absolutely did not know that. You thought you had finally gotten the hang of it, but you were wrong.

You prop both elbows on the table in front of you and hold your head in your hands.

This is fucking hopeless.

"I guess I'll leave you to be miserable on your own, just for today", Kuroo says and begins to walk away.

For a slight second, you changed your mind and decided you would ask him. But that was short-lived.

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