➤ Chapter 19 : Aftermath

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Kuroo stepped out of the room, leaving you still breathless on the bed. Legs shaking and everything. You never expected to get this far with Kuroo but it just happened.

Soon after, he came back in, picking you up bridal style and walking back out with you.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm running you a bath."

He enters the bathroom and puts you into the tub. "I'll be right back."

He returned and put a towel out for you.

"Call me if you need anything, alright?"

He turns away but you call out to him.


"What's wrong", he says turning back.


"You want me to stay?"

You stretch your arm out to him.

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You made space for Kuroo in the bathtub. He sat behind you and had his arms wrapped around your shoulders and you had your back pressed up against his chest.

"You seem clingier than usual."

"Can you blame me?", you say holding his arms so he wouldn't let you go. "I kinda hate you though."

"Why's that?"

"Because you did this with other people. But I guess I can forgive you."

"You guess?"

"Mhm..." You close your eyes. "What ever happened to I don't beg? I remember you saying that."

"What about you? You were pretty much begging the entire time."

"No, I wasn't."

"Oh yeah? What about the 'come on Tetsu, please?' Was that not you?"

"Fuck you", you chuckle.

"It was the other way around. I didn't even do much yet you're tired."

"To be fair, I was already tired before you came in... In all honesty, I never planned on having sex till I was married, or at least engaged."

"Are you having regrets?"

"Nope. None."

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You finish showering and head back to the bedroom. Kuroo took out one of his shirts for you to wear.

"I have my own clothes you know."

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