➤ Chapter 13 : The Talk

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He said his goodbyes to the group of students before giving you his full attention. He stood in front of you, hands in his pockets, with a nonchalant expression.

"What's up?"

"What's up? Is that all you're gonna say?"

"What exactly did you want me to say?", he replies.

"You're ignoring me."

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"The last time we spoke, I remember you asking for space."

"For like a day damn. Not almost the whole week."

"Space doesn't normally last just one day, Y/n. I figured you'd come talk to me when you were ready. Can we pick this up later on? I'm already late for practice." He tries to walk off but you grab his arm.

"No. We can't. You're mad at me and I understand."

"What makes you think I'm mad? I'm not, I just need to get to practice. We can talk later."

"No, we're talking now. It won't take long. First off, I'm sorry about running away that night. I tend to run away from awkward situations, but that wasn't cool."


"I was just taken aback."

"I'm really not mad at you. You probably felt uncomfortable and forced. That's my fault."

"No, no, no! That's not it. I gave you permission. It's no one's fault. I was just confused. You said you might like me and my brain kinda stopped working. I think I like you but I don't know. I wanted to talk to you but I had no idea what I'd say. Sorry, I'm rambling."

"You like me?", Kuroo says tilting his head and smirking a bit.

"Huh? What are you talking about? No?"

"That no didn't sound too convincing. You said you think you like me."

"I didn't."

Fuck. That must've slipped out.

"I think you did."

"Just forget all this and whatever you think I said. Go to practice", you say as you were about to walk off.

You hear Kuroo laugh behind you. "You're cute."

You turn around. "Don't say stuff like that. I'm already puzzled enough as it is."

"So you do like me?"

"No, I hate you."

"Aww. Well, I like you too."

"It's just a simple crush, don't get ahead of yourself. We're still just friends. It's probably not even a crush. It'll go away by the end of the week."

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